Ranks and Character discription

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There are three classes in the werewolf world.

1. Alpha
2. Beta
3. Omega

●Alpha's are divided into two sub-classes-

1. True blood Alpha: Eyes- Crimson red

Scent- similar to alpha's categorised smell.

**Although individual scent can differ in persons**

2. Alpha: Eyes- Pale blue

Scent- similar to alpha's categorised smell.

>Alphas smell like- musk, wood, pine and cinderwood.

● Beta's are divided into 3 sub-classes-

1. Dom-beta
(dominant beta): Eyes- Yellow

Scent- similar to beta's categorised smell.

2. True beta: Eyes- Orange

Scent- similar to beta's categorised smell.

3. Sub-beta
(Submissive beta): Eyes- Lime

Scent- similar to beta's categorised smell.

>Betas small like-
Citrus, lavender, mint and Oakwood.

●Omega's have no sub-classes.

Females have green eyes.

Males have blue.

>Scent- vanilla,roses,lemon and strawberry.

Royal Wolf: they are the devine gift of the moon goddess. A royal wolf possess unimaginable powers. They are the moon goddesses favourite child. In the wrong hands, they can wipe out the entire werewolf race. Only their mate's are the ones they'll listen to. They do not submit to any commands. It's a gift of the goddess.
Their wolf has glowing white eyes like that of a moon.

There are 2 types of royal wolves-

1.Sun Royal: Eyes- Golden

2.Moon Royal: Eyes- Silver

Mates: when a wolf turns 20 they become adults. By which they can choose their partners and become mates. In nowdays, the possibility of finding one's mate is hard. Some wolf's even don't have a mate. So they just choose a partner of their own will and live together.

True mates: true mates are wolves that are bond to each other by soul. In simple terms they are soumates. They were made for each other. They are half of a whole. They were born and created for only each other.

And the pull or bond of true mates is more stronger than normal mated pairs. They cannot live without each other as their soul connects them.

But in today's modern time this is a uncommon thing to eveyone. As true mates are not seen so much now. Despite of that some still believe in it and wait for their one and only.

Rejection: when two mates who do not want each other reject each other than the mate bond is truly broken. The bond will crumble and both their wolves will take the toll of the broken bond.

If only one rejects the other than the bond will crumble but it will still be there. And they will somewhat still feel the pull of the bond.

●But in true mates case if they reject each other than both will go through pain and suffering. And will remain mateless until their alive. Leading their wolf to slowly weaken nd die out.

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