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"You're special, dear. But you must never tell anyone about yourself, besides your mate.
They will love you, cherish you and treasure you.

Because your a blessing of the moon goddess. A beautiful blessing, my love. Because your a Royal Wolf."

Said the woman stroking the cheek of the 5 year old son of hers. The child was like his father the woman thought.

Those sharp eyes that held such a piercing gaze, indeed like his father. But deep inside both had a heart made of gold, kind and caring.

She placed a light kiss on the child's forhead and stared at him with her beautiful hazel colored eyes gleaming with love and affection.

A man in his 30's stood behind the crouching woman. He looked at his small yet beautiful family infront of him, with a heart felt smile. He was happy with his wife and child.


-that was the only happy memory left now of my dead parents. All the things that happened after was a nightmare.

And those words.What a lie those words were. I'm not special. I never was. I'm just cursed. Everything around me was ruined because of me. I've lost all. Parents, friends, family, pack I've lost them all.

I'm so pathetic!! No one can love me. I don't derserve it.
It's better if I just disappear. Yeah, Nobody needs me. I only cause pain and suffering to everyone around.

I'm a monster. A MONSTER!! I should die.

That's the best solution. To die. Then nobody will suffer anymore because of me anymore.


want no one to suffer because of me anymore than this.......


A/N: The next chapters will be updated soon.

Nd this was our wonwoo's thos about himself. He suffered so much T^ T

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Tony OUT!!!

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