Chapter-6: Memories

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I'll explain in the end why I didn't update for weeks.


No one's POV

'Ahhhhh! I shouldn't have come. I shouldn't have come! I shouldn't have come!!!'

Wonwoo chanted in his head and yet here he was sitting at the cafe table while Mingyu went to take our order for them.

'Really what am I doing? I thought I wouldn't get myself involved with him. I promised myself for the sake of the ones that are still dear to me I'd stay away. Then why? After all that I did to him why do I still get close? It seems he doesn't remember anything and I should try to keep it that way. I almost lost him once but I can't let that happen a second time. I-' Wonwoo glances up to look at Mingyu who's talking to the girl behind the counter.

It isn't hard to notice that she's faintly blushing looking at him.

' I'm sure she likes him...who wouldn't though? His so tall and handsome now, And a very charming guy with that smile of his. He treats everyone nicely. I'm sure there are tons of girls that just want to be with him. I wouldn't be shocked if he said he had a girlfriend now.

When we were young he was so small and cute, he was a cry baby also but he grew up nicely I guess. The last time I saw him........he was growing then. He was starting to get taller than me, he was a nice kid from then too. Always kind and loving to everyone which I kind of didn't like of him........cause his nice to everyone and it made me feel like I'm the same as everyone to him.......

i wanted to be special to him....or maybe it was the stupid mate bound making me think these useless things at that age. If Mingyu wasn't my mate I'd probably never look at him in this way or he'd never see me in that way. It's all this mate bonds fault! Mingyu doesn't see me in that way and he never wi-'

'you don't know that. He could love us. Moon goddess choose him as our mate for a reason.' Wonwoo's wolf Silver spoke up after a long time.

'oh please! Silver. Don't talk about her wise reasons to me. If she was so wise then she wouldn't let me suffer like this all my life. I've lost too many things to have any faith in her now, and you of all should know what I mean. I didn't ask to be cursed like this. I didn't want to lose anyone and I didn't want to hurt Mingyu and I most definitely didn't want this bond, because I don't love him and neither does he look at me in that way!!' Wonwoo snapped back to his wolf in his mind.

'Calm down Wonwoo. I know what you mean and how you feel but for once please listen to me and tell Mingyu that we are his mate. I'm sure-'

'no.' Wonwoo said sternly.

'Wonwoo your breathing too hard, calm down. If you don't want our mate to find out then, ok. I won't push you to tell them.

I'm sorry I made you remember. I'll do as you want for now but please, atleast don't push our mate away. I've missed him for a long ti-' Silvers words were cut off when a voice called out to Wonwoo.

"Hyung! Are you ok?"

Their voice had worry laced in it and Wonwoo dared not to look up at the figure sitting infront of him.

If he did he was for sure Mingyu would see his teary eyes, which he didn't want to show anyone right now. Specially his mate.

Wonwoo quickly pulled his hoodie over his head and stood up much to Mingyu's shock.

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