Chapter-1: Silver eyes

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The scene that unfolds infront of a certain boy walking alone on the snowy road was indescribable.

The snow that fell from the grey sky danced in the wind. Creating a slow yet beautiful picture for the eyes.

The forest was covered with thick snow. White was the only color you could find around.

The cold breeze that went by made the falling snow dance more.

But the ethereal scene didn't make the boys mind quite happy. Yes, he accepts that it's a nice scenery but the snow and the cold wind wasn't his favourite thing right now.

The boy walked along the snow covered road that leads through the forest. His feet making suffling sounds as he walked on the now frozen snow.

Mingyu just wanted to stay at home and enjoy a cup of hot chocolate in his room coozily. That's all he wanted.
But did his dad consider his thoughts. No.

His father was so cruel to send him out to the Park pack for work at this time. It's was the middle of January. Snow was falling continuously and it was freezing outside.

Yes, his a wolf. So his body heat was more than that of a humans but that doesn't mean he had to walk so far away in this cold weather.

Even when he clearly stated to his father that his car was sent to be repaired, so he could not go to the Park pack without a car.
But his father sounded quite unfazed with that matter. Saying something cold like-

"You're a alpha Mingyu. So I don't see the reason why you can't just walk there. The Park pack is just a few miles away from ours. You can even run there within half an hour if you shift into your wolf.
So do the work I told you to do and stop whinning like a child."

With that he ended the call. Mingyu couldn't even reply back or protest.
So cruel Mingyu thought.

You must be wondering why am I walking when I could just shift and run back home.

It's because today of all days I was wearing my favourite sweater that my granny gifted me last year and I was outside at a shop when dad called to ruin my day.
So if I shifted now I would either have to leave the sweater behind in the snow or carry it in my mouth when I shift.

Neither the options sounded nice to me. Since I didn't want to get it dirty and ruined. So here I am walking back from the Park pack after I went there to talk to their  head alpha.

Apparently the alpha was worried about rogues being more often seen in there borders. I said to him to tighten their guards around there and assured him that I'll discuss the matter with my father and the other head alphas.

Normally the alpha wouldn't be pleased to see a me imstead of my father but I'm sure he could tell from my scent that I'm not also some kid who doesn't know anything.

So he didn't get annoyed and listened to me. I may sound as if I'm boasting about myself and my abilities but I know how to do my job.

Plus my pheromones makes people around me conscious of my presense.

Because I am a trueblood after all.


Mingyu was walking on the forest road. His near the Kim's pack forest which is also connected to the Jeon's pack forest.

Both the packs have been on a friendly terms for a long time. The Jeon's future head alpha Jeon Jungkook, was also his best friend. They've known each other from their diper days.

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