Chapter three: Be Our Guest

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He stopped in front of the establishment.

            "Here we are. If you need anything there are servants in the house that can help. Make yourself at home," he informed her.

            "Wait, you own this place?" she asked incredulously.

            Arno didn't reply. He smiled at her, before walking away and disappearing between buildings. Eleanor scrunched up her nose in annoyance. Clutching her cape around her tightly, she walked inside.

            As the night was getting late, the café was all but cleared out. There were a few groups still there, chatting avidly. A woman sang beautifully on the stage. Eleanor sat down in the back and opened her book to begin reading.

            She wasn't sure how much time had passed, she assumed it hadn't been long, when a girl came up to her.

            "Excuse me, miss. Are you Eleanor?"

            "Er, yes I am. How did you—"

            "Monsieur Dorian asked me to make sure you were taken care of," the woman curtsied to her as she spoke, "I didn't want to bother you so I asked the chefs to prepare a meal for you so you could eat if you already hadn't."

            "I-Thank you," she said, dumbfounded.

            "Of course, this way Mademoiselle," she inclined her head. The woman led her out of the café and in to the house.

            "Just Eleanor is fine," she assured the woman, "And you are?"

            "I'm no one, miss. I'm just a housemaid," the woman blushed. She waved Eleanor off. Eleanor frowned.

            "But I couldn't possibly know how to refer to you. Besides, wouldn't it be considered rude to deflect my question like that?" Eleanor asked. The woman smiled at her, a glint of mischievousness in her eyes.

            "That's very smart of you to say that," she chuckled, "Very well, my name is Marion."

            "That's a nice name," Eleanor chimed happily.

            "I-thank you, miss," Marion smiled to herself, then she paused and corrected herself, "Eleanor."

            Marion led Eleanor into the dining room. It was a large and extravagant room, made for housing a whole group of people. At one end of the table, a lone plate was set in wait for her.

            "I hope you enjoy your meal, Eleanor. Should you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask," Marion bowed and moved to walk away.

            "Marion," Eleanor called, stopping the other girl in her tracks. She waited patiently for whatever Eleanor had to say. "Won't you dine with me? I do hate eating alone."

            "I don't usually—" Marion began. But then she saw the look on Eleanor's face. It wasn't commanding or assertive, but rather pleading. Sighing, Marion nodded. "Alright, if you don't mind."

            Eleanor waited to begin her meal for Marion to return. Marion sat down beside her. The two girls began eating their meal in an awkward silence.

            "So, Marion, do you have any hobbies?" Eleanor asked.

            "Very few, I'm afraid. My job takes up most of my day," Marion explained, "But I suppose I do like to paint when I have the time."

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