Chapter Twenty: So Close

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When they had returned to the cafe, Arno brought Eleanor through the back entrance. Eleanor stopped him, grabbing onto his arm.

"What is wrong with you today?" she asked.

"There's nothing wrong."

"Of course there is," she chuckled, "You've been acting strangely all day."

"It's for the better, isn't it?" he asked softly.

"For the better?" she asked softly.

"Yes, you're leaving so it's time to be realistic about the situation."

"I'm afraid I don't follow."

"Alright then," he sighed, walking beside her. However, instead of turning to face her, he stared straight ahead as he said, "After you leave I will no longer be responsible for you, therefore--"

"Therefore?" she demanded. He didn't look at her, he stayed staring straight ahead. With his hood on, Eleanor couldn't see his face at all.

"Well," he took in a deep breath, "I-we're not really--I mean to say--"

"Arno," Eleanor frowned, reaching out to place a reassuring hand on his arm. He tensed at her touch, shrugging off her hand.

"Eleanor," he sighed, "We're too different. I'm an assassin and you--"

"Just spit it out, Arno. I'm your friend, I'll understand," she assured him.

"No, Eleanor," he told her, in a soft and slow voice, "I'm your bodyguard. We could never have anything more than a professional relationship." It almost sounded like he was trying to convince himself of this fact rather than her.

Eleanor grit her teeth, her fist balling at her side, "What are you talking about?"

"I'm just telling you what needs to be heard."

Eleanor took a breath to steel herself. She held her head high, hoping it would keep the tears at bay, "So you're just going to pretend that--"

"I was doing a job, I assure you. Nothing more." She felt like she had been punched swiftly in the gut.

"Well at least you can be free of me once more. I was foolish to think that," she paused, suddenly uncertain about what she was going to say, "that I ever could've been friends with someone like you."

She stormed off, leaving Arno behind her. She wished that he had been facing her so that she could've said those things to his face. However, another part of her was glad he didn't show his face because she didn't want him to know the pain his words caused her. And Arno had kept his face from her for the very same reason.

Storming up to her room, she tried her best to keep her emotions at bay. Eleanor finished up packing and brought her trunk downstairs. Her father was already waiting for her by the carriage. After situating her trunk to the cart, she was ushered inside. She had said goodbye to everyone, but she still wished they were there to see her off.

The carriage took off with a lurch. The café disappeared from her window for what very well could be the last time. She fell back into her seat, feeling like she could cry again.

"Arno informed me that you knew of our little plan," her father spoke up. Eleanor didn't answer. She kept her gaze on the buildings as they slowly began disappearing.

"You should know," her father continued, "It wasn't his idea. I'd hate for you to be upset with him for something that is my fault."

"I know, Papa," Eleanor sighed, "It doesn't matter anyway. He's nowhere near the man I thought he was."

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