Chapter Eight: Into Town Part I

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Over the next few days when Eleanor wasn't in the library reading, she was with Arno. Eleanor found herself to be rather surprised that she enjoyed his company, after all there were times he could be so insufferable. Most days, they would sit in the garden or go for a stroll where they would just talk to each other. That is, when they weren't hard at work training.

Eleanor still felt like she was having an impossibly hard time. Arno assured her that it was just because she was a beginner and she would soon get a hold of it. But she also noticed he was taking it easy on her. At first, she thought it might be because he assumed her incapable of learning anything at all, but she soon realized that was not the case. When fighting servants, he was more than helpful at correcting her form and offering advice how to dodge attacks. Only when they fought together was he incapable of pushing back.

Today, however, they decided to forgo the swords all together. Arno insisted that the best way to get better at her fighting was to first work on her muscles. At first, she was on board with the idea, until she heard what she'd have to be doing.

"I can't do that!" she exclaimed, "What if I fall?"

"I'll be right there to catch you," he assured her.

"But what if—"

"You wanted to learn to fight, didn't you?"

Hesitantly, she nodded her head.

"This will strengthen the muscles you use during a fight," he assured her, "I'll be right there beside you to help you if you fall."

"I don't like this," Eleanor grumbled, grabbing onto the nearest window ledge anyway.

"That's the spirit," Arno laughed, grabbing on beside her.

She nodded and began scaling the building with great difficulty. She looked over to Arno, who made it look like child's play. She grumbled angrily under her breath but continued climbing.

Her hands shook with every inch she gained, and her grip threatened to slip from the moisture on her palms. She looked over To Arno who watched her with great intensity in case she fell. She pulled herself up and her arms already burned from the activity. When she looked up, she was delighted to discover she was already on the second level.

She grabbed onto the next window ledge and hauled herself upward. But as she did, the stone crumbled under her grip. A shriek escaped her lips as one of her hands fell free and she was left hanging precariously by one hand.

"Eleanor!" Arno shouted, starting toward her.

She took a deep, gulping, breath to center herself before speaking, "I'm fine. I got this."

She dragged herself up to the window ledge, her arms shaking under the strain. She resumed her slow ascent upwards. Every muscle in her arms ached and screamed for release. Just as she thought she couldn't climb anymore, she reached the ledge of the roof. But she couldn't quite figure out how to grab on without leaving herself in a precarious position. Arno had already beat her up there and was looking down at her.

"You'll have to trust in yourself," he said, "I'll catch you."

Eleanor looked back down. A big mistake. She suddenly became dizzy.

"Hey, hey, keep your eyes on me," Arno instructed, "Just keep your eyes on mine and you won't fall."

            "Promise?" Eleanor asked through a shaky breath, still managing to plaster on a smirk.


            "Alright. Here goes," she sighed.

            Before she could think about it, she hoisted herself up onto the ledge of the room. For a moment it registered in her brain that she didn't have a good enough grip and she would fall. And just as she began to slip, Arno grabbed her arm. With his help she was able to bring herself up onto the roof where she collapsed onto her back, breathing heavily.

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