Chapter Ten: Conflict! in the Theatre

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The next morning she woke up, but she didn't want to get out of bed. It was early in the morning, far earlier than she ever got up, and yet she could already hear Arno training.

            She knew she wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, so she got ready and headed downstairs. The delectable smell of the food wafted to her nose from the kitchen. Breakfast hadn't even been served yet. She had gotten up unbelievably early.

            Eleanor decided that she would bide her time until breakfast in the library. However, when she started up the stairs a familiar figure caught her attention.

            "Marion?" she gasped, running up to her.

            "Goodness, Eleanor," Marion sighed, "You nearly gave me a heart attack."

            "I'm sorry, I'm just excited to see you," she gushed, "When did you get back?"

            "Just this morning," Marion giggled.

            "And you're already working."

            "Well of course, what else am I supposed to do?" she laughed, "Anything interesting happen while I was away?"

            "You could say that," Eleanor chuckled, thinking about yesterday's events.

            "Oh? I can't wait to hear it," Marion agreed.

            "Eleanor, you're up early," Arno called from the top of the stairs, "And Marion, welcome back."

            "It's good to be back, Monsieur," Marion bowed politely.

            "How was your family?" he asked.

            "They were good, sir."

            "Excellent," he turned to Eleanor, "Breakfast is almost ready if you care to join me."

            "Of course," Eleanor smiled. Then she remembered Marion. She looked at her, about to ask if she would join them. But, before she could, Marion waved her hand dismissively.

            "I've already eaten. You two go on," Marion assured the girl.

            "Alright, I'll talk to you afterwards then," Eleanor nodded.

            She joined Arno in the dining room where steaming plates were being served. It had been a while since she had eaten a breakfast this hot. By the time she usually woke up for it, the food was only lukewarm. Perhaps there was a benefit to waking up early.

            But as she ate, a sinking feeling entered her gut. It had been nearly a week since she had last seen her father. It was not uncommon for him to be gone on his business trips for weeks at a time. Normally she would not have been worried, but since she found out that his job was actually dangerous she found it hard to soothe her worry.

            "Arno?" Eleanor spoke up, pausing in between bites.

            "Yes?" he answered.

            "Have you spoken to my father recently?"

            Arno watched her, gauging how he should answer.

            "I'm just worried about him. If his job's as dangerous as he says," Eleanor faltered. She didn't want to finish the sentence to hear what waited at its end. Arno looked at her sympathetically.

            "He's fine. Nothing's happened to him. The worst he's suffered so far is cold trails," he assured her. Eleanor let out a breath of relief. Her mind was, at least, somewhat more at ease.

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