The Royal Ball

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HELLLLLOOOOOOOOOO READERS! I know the last chappie wasn't very long, and I'm sorry, but I'll try to make it up :p. I made that thang up there 👆 #incredible. Anyways, without further ado, the moment we've ALL been waiting for... THE BALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AND MIKA!!!!!!!!!

Third Person POV- The Ichinose Castle

The carriage rattled to a stop, horse hooves clacking on the cobblestone ground no longer heard.

Yuu sat across from his parents, sweating profusely, and his past confidence was left at his castle footsteps. There would be so many new people to meet there. And crowds. Yuu shuddered.

"Oh come now son, you'll be fine! You'll meet plenty of people in there who'd like to be wed to you!" His Mother said happily.

Yuu took a double take. "Wed?!!?!!??? I thought this was just a ball!!!!"

His parents looked surprised. "I suppose we forgot to tell you Yuu, but it's a matchmaking ball! You are to pick a mate tonight!" His Mother clapped her hands together rapidly.

Yuu's jaw was practically on the ground. That was so crucial. How could they have not told him????? "Mother!!" Yuu cried, "I didn't know! I wouldn't have come!"

"Exactly why I thought not to tell you." His Father said, "Anyways, we have a dinner date planned with Queen Krul, so you can't back out."

Yuu's parents looked expectantly at him, then to the carriage door, silently implying what they want him to do.

He sighed, knowing there was no way out, and shakily opened the door. He was roughly shoved the rest of the way out of the vehicle by his Mother and shooed toward the gigantic castle doors.

Hesitantly, Yuu headed toward the castle, legs shaking and heart pounding like a drum.

He got to the door and- knock, knock, knock. A couple of seconds later a young squire answered and was about to say something until he saw Yuuichiro's face. He was mystified.

Yuu didn't know about the spell he had just cast on the poor teen, so he awkwardly waved and walked by him.

Yuu walked for a couple minutes, head down, trying to make it through the ridiculously long hallway, until he thought to look up.

The castle was magnificent. Beautiful treasures covered the grounds, and- oh wait, here comes the squire. He panted from running to catch up with Yuu. His initial shock to Yuu was gone as well, but he was still in awe of his beauty.

"Ha... haaa.... Prince Amane, is it? I apologize, but you are supposed... turn right in the next break of the hallway in order to get to the ball. Whew!" He said with a red face.

I looked around for the break he was talking about, and turns out it was only a couple meters from him. Yuu thanked the squire, but all he got in return was a redder face. Yuu guessed the run took a toll on him.

Yuu turned around and made his way toward the doorway. He then realized he was right at the door to his future.

Whoever he met in there... would most likely wed him. To say the least, Yuu was nervous. Slightly hyperventilating, Yuu paced in front of the door for a couple of minutes, then decided it was time to face his fears and go inside.

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