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Third Person POV

Mika dragged Yuu down the hall and into a doorway that led outside. It was cold and the breeze slapped the two boys, making Yuu shiver.

Mika spared a glance for the smaller male he was towing and sighed. That was a close call. Who knows what Kimizuki could have done!

The blonde male abruptly stopped in front of a carriage, "After you, Yuu-Chan!" Mika said. Yuu was confused.

"What...? W-where are we going?" Yuu tried to loosen Mika's grip on his wrist. Mika smiled and cocked his head at the boy. "To my castle, of course!"


Mika paused, "Because your parents told me to...?? Well, more like my mom. Your parents are at my castle anyways!"

"Wait, your mom is Queen Krul?!" Yuu took a double take. They had a dinner date tonight!

Mika smiled lopsidedly at him, so Yuu looked away and blushed.

"Oh. My. Goodness." Yuu looked to Mika, face still aflame, "You are ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE! You little thing! I'll eat you up!" Mika exclaimed.

Yuu looked at him warily.

"What I mean is YOURE CUTE." Mika said shortly, and with a mock attitude

Yuu put a hand over his mouth, hiding little giggles, attempting to stifle it, but it was no use.

The joy rolled off of his tongue, and before he knew it, he was laughing aloud in front of Mika! Yuu couldn't stop himself, and Mika didn't want him to.

Mika stood star struck, looking in awe at Yuu and his adorable laugh. How cute! Mika bit his lip, trying to not kiss the raven haired male.

"Yuu-kun?" A soft voice came from the castle doors and Mika recognized the other boy with Yuu-Chan earlier. Yuu's laughs faded softly and Mika frowned.

"Hey Yoichi.." Yuu said, tuckered out.

"What are you doing out here with him?" Yoichi asked with venom laced in his words.

"Oh! Um.. I guess I'm-" Yuu started.

"Going with me! Oh yeah! To my castle! His parents are there! Yup! C'mon Yuu-Chan!" Mika grabbed the smaller male's arm and helped him into the carriage.

As soon as Yuu was inside, Mika slapped the side of the door twice and slammed it, leaving Yoichi confused and scared for Yuu. Also jealous.

Time Skip to Mika's Castle!!! Yuu's POV

The carriage ride was very short, but Mika and I talked quite a bit. I now know that green is his favorite color, he's ambidextrous, knows how to play the violin, and he's part Russian.

I told him some things about me, but mainly talked about my friends and parents.

When the carriage stopped, Mika was the first to exit, and once he touched the ground, he offered his hand for me to lean on.

With no hesitation, I gently grabbed it and balanced on it until my feet felt ground. Mika smiled at me and I blushed. "Here we are!" He said happily.

He didn't let go of my hand, so I let him lead me to he castle. I guess I trust him now, even if I've only known him for a couple hours.

Umm yeah. DROID CHAPPIE ONLY 521 words JEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZZZZZ SORRY I HAVENT BEEN WRITING THIS STORY. I've been more focused on my spooderman story and I'm kind of retarded so IM SOWWYYYYY👍👎👆✋👋👌🤞

rawr don't put hate comments on this bc that's all that's in my inbox. AND DONT EVER RUSH ME EVER AGAIN. I'm sorry for my rant pls forgive me!  And the short chappie will be made up... with a series of shorter chappies. Oof bye.

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