Windows to Danger

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Halllloooooooooo chirren. I'm sowwy my story is going so fast. PATHETIc.

Also I procrastinate so ig it's hella late :)


Yuu's POV

Mika princess-carried me until we saw some lights. By then, I was pretty relaxed, tears gone, and was even nuzzling in his chest. Preeetty bold, seeing I've only known him for a couple hours but I'm feelin it.

He's so warm...

"Yuu-Chan!" Mika snapped me out of my trance with his gentle words.

I looked up to him, and saw a beautiful man with blue eyes staring back down at me. How lucky am I? "We're here!"

He smiled, and put me down on my feet gently, as if he was going to break me.

I faced the massive castle, and just stared. "Wow Mika! It's beautiful!" I turned to him.

"Now, it could be more beautiful, if only you'd go in it. Let's go!" He grabbed my hand and led me in, while I'm blushing up to my ears.

Time Skip (cuz I'm lazy) IN THE SHINDO CASTLE


Mika walked into his dining room, Yuuichiro in tow, startling the 4 adults that sat at the grand table.

"Mika?!" "Yuu!?"

Queen Akemi and Queen Krul stood at the arrival of the two boys, while the two kings sat in place, sipping some alcohol.

The boys stared back at the two women, only then realizing that their hands were still intertwined, and quickly let go.

"Is the ball finished already boys?" Krul asks awkwardly, holding her hands together tightly.

They both nodded and exchanged glances, and Yuuichiro's was complimented with a blush.

"Woooowwwww..... hahmm... seems they don't need the extra time together....."

"What? Ferid, what are you going on about?" Mika asked, confused.

"Ask your mother." He waved Mika off and the blonde boy turned to said woman.

"Mother? Is something going on?"

"Ah.. Mika it's nothing you need to worry about!" The pink haired woman reassured a tad to quickly.

"Nothing to worry about!? This is the course of their lives!" Ferid argued.

"It's their choice!" Yuu's parents screeched at the same time.

"What are you guys talking about!" Mika yelled and with that more shouts from all sides spewed out of mouths, leaving Yuu in the corner, whose voice has never gone above an inside voice.

Argument overlapped each other and the room got louder and voices got sharper and insults were being thrown-



The window shattered. Two people dressed in black with swords landed on the ground near Yuuichiro in an attack stance.

Yuu tried to scuttle away from the two, but was grabbed and held with a sword held dangerously close to his neck.

"Wow.. he's real gorgeous... boss'll like him a whole lot." The man licked his lips. Yuu shuddered and looked to Mika, his knight in shining armor, to save him.

His sword was drawn, teeth bared, ready to put up a fight. Yuu!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA BET U WERENT EXPECTING THAT HAHHAHA. ok tho real talk I suck booty cheeks for updating so late. Sowwy 😞it's probs been a whole ass month umm i have no excuse I'm just lazy as fuck.


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