Hang on a Cliff Holiday (rewrite finally)

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After dismounting the carriage, Yuu and I found ourselves outside of a beautiful steel castle, surrounded by guards with weapons all around.

I looked past the carriage to see men on horses patrolling the perimeter from far away. I hummed, this'll work for now.

I tightened my grip around my sword's hilt. I swore to Yuu's parents that I would protect him this time. And I intend to keep my promise.

I grabbed Yuu's hand and pulled his slim waist toward mine. He giggled nervously and looked at me with his gorgeous eyes.

"Ready?" I asked gently, knowing he's still a bit sensitive.

He smiled, comforting me when I should be comforting him. I smiled back and I began guiding him toward the castle.

Third Person POV

The two boys entered the huge steel doors, and were greeted with hallway after hallway of guards, until they reached another pair of doors, except they looked more welcoming.

These doors had windows with a soft light twinkling out, and curtains drawn on the outside. Mika held the door open for the beautiful green eyed boy, and they entered, immediately greeted with the scent of  honey.

The duo looked over the large room. It was like a loft, with hand crafted chairs and sofas everywhere. Bookshelves laid across the two walls in the back.

Two doors were placed on the left and right sides of the room, most likely the place where the young royals would sleep.

Seconds after they entered, a

When Mika and Yuu arrived, it was only Shinoa, Mitsuba, Yoichi, and Shiho in the fortress, but there were now 6 others, with more expected.

Guren Ichinose

Mirai Kimizuki

Makoto Narumi

Akane, Fumie, and Taichi Hyakuya.

Yuu and Mika set up at a table with Shinoa, Mitsuba, and Yoichi while playing multiple board games until Yuu eventually becomes restless.

He had been sitting down for too long and the young prince felt like exploring the castle that's going to hold him for an unknown amount of time.

Yuu finally made his decision and got up wobbly. As soon as he'd gotten on his feet, he felt a hand encircle around his wrist. He turned around and was face to face with with a certain blond.

His face was scrunched in unnecessary worry, "Where are you going?" Yuu smiled.

"Mikaaa, i'm just going to stretch my legs and look around! I'll be back before you know it." Yuu pinched his cheek and looked to the other three that were seated, looking up at the two.

"I'll go with you!" Mika offered grabbing onto Yuu's hand.

Yuu opened his mouth to speak, but Shinoa provided words for him, "I say Mika-san, why don't you stay here with us and finish this game of monopoly, hm? You can take over all of Yuu's properties and such!" She flashed a winning smile and Yuu grinned widely.

Mika turned to Yuu speechlessly. Yuu hummed, "I'll be back." The prince kissed Mika's cheek and began walking out of the room.

Once at the door he turned back around and peered at Mika, who still hadn't sat back down, "Don't miss me too much!" and finally made his way down the hall.



I watched Yuu exit the room, still standing. I know I need to let him become independent and grow, but i can't help wanting to be with him. Wanting to protect him.

"So Mika-chan.." Shinoa's voice sounded around him. I looked to her and she continued, "I see things seem to be heating up with Yuu-san hm?" she smiled cheekily as she rolled the dice.

I felt my face tinge pink at that statement, but kept a straight face nonetheless. "I guess you could say that.." Shinoa moved her game piece.

"Hahmm... you were very reluctant to let him go just now, is it because of the deal you made with his parents?" Shinoa passed the dice to me with two fingers.

I rolled the dice, "Well of course, I'll do anything to protect Yuu."

My fingers moved my game piece 7 spaces to the left. "Protect him? Well of course that what comes with it, but isn't there more to it?"

"More to what?"

"Well your relationship of course!"


Yuu's pov

I walked down the grand halls, hands tracing the beautiful architecture. As a neared a cluster of rooms, a sweet cinnamony smell met my nose.

I turned to the long corridor which the smell was coming from. I pushed open the double doors and the scent hit me even harder. I peeked inside.

Hmm, makes sense. It's a kitchen, I thought. Walking in, I found the source of the smell. Cinnamon apple pie. YUM! Maybe it's for later... control yourself Yuu!

I licked my lips and reluctantly made my way toward the door. Turning out into the hallway, I started to walk with my head down- OWCH!

I grabbed my head where I had stupidly walked into something- no wait, someONE.

The person towered at least a head and a half over me turned around. 

My eyes widened, and my legs turned to stone.

His glasses reflected, not showing his eyes and his pink hair was, well, as pink as ever.

What the hell is Kimizuki doing here!?*

hi i just came to drop in with... whatever this is. hi babies!!!!

*I know, I know Kimizuki is a heir, but for Yuu's mental safety, Mika had always steered clear of a certain pinkette, so Yuu had no idea that he'd arrived.


HAPPY NEW YEARS AS WELL MY LOVELIES!! For my resolution I plan to write more and grow as an author! Thanks for reading and sticking with this story for so long!!! Love u all💕💕💕💕

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