Chapter 4

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Laura's POV


It's official.

I, Laura Jones am in love with Harry Styles, a man in which I met a few days ago and here I am about to go to the beach with him and my friends.

But he doesn't know I love him...Well okay maybe he does but anyways ...

"Laura, Honey, Harry's here!" mum sings out.

"Comin'!!" I yell back while putting on my thongs (the ones that go on your feet!).

I voice down stairs to see Harry in a conversation with my dad guessed it me.

"You will be a good influence on her Harry she needs a boyfriend like you." dad says

"Oh please sir, we aren't dating."

"Yeah dad I'm not dating him!" I yell jokingly

"You ready?" Harry asks.

"Yeah. Bye peoples!"

We leave my house and hop into Harry's car.

"Now" Harry sighs "I have something to ask you."

"Okay. Go ahead."

"Well since our last "date" turned into a massive make-out session in the woods I was wondering if you wanted to go to the movies with me on Monday after school?"

"Yeah...okay..." I breathed. I thought he was gonna ask me to be his boyfriend for a second there.



"Well off we go then"

"You realize that we basically just quoted The Fault In Our Stars, right?"

"Yeah" He laughs


Harry's POV


Is Laura trying to kill me?

I mean she looks like really freaking hot with her hot pink and black triangular bikini.

"Heads up Harry!" Ashton...I think it was shouts at me.

"Wha- Ow!" The volleyball hit me straight in the face.

"Harry, are you okay?" Laura panics.

"Yes I'm fine. Uhm....L-Laura can I talk to you for a second?" I stutter I mean she's basically straddling me and I'm getting like really hard.

"Yeah wh-oh.." she says noticing my arousal.

"Sorry guys! I'll be back shortly!" She yells to her friends.

We walk off and into a random little deserted kiosk that looks like it hasn't been used in years.

She pulls a condom out of a little jar. "What the hell?! Why is there condoms in here?!" I wisper-yell.

"I've fucked a lot of people in here." she says as if its normal.

"So I'm just another one of them aren't I?"

"Harry! We've been over this! We had this discussion a few days ago! I'm trying to stop the whole sleeping with different guys every night thing but I can't...." she trails off.

"No. It's okay. I get it! I'm the only guy who has feelings for you! And you push me away as if I'm a piece of junk! News flash Laura if you keep this up you'll end up cold and lonely like your mother!"

Laura's POV

"No. It's okay. I get it! I'm the only guy who has feelings for you! And you push me away as if I'm a piece of junk! News flash Laura if you keep this up you'll end up cold and lonely like your mother!" he yells.

How did he know about my mother? What does he know about my mother?

Tears spring in my eyes and before I know it I'm running back to Ashton. The only guy who actually gives a fuck about me.

"Laura! Wait!" Harry yells behind me.

"No! Harry I'm not going to wait! Because you're right! I'll just end up tossing you aside! So do us both a favour and just stay away from me." I say defeatedly

"What's going on here?" Ashton asks.

"Ash, Baby, Nothings wrong he's just not getting the point." I mutter into his chest.

"Listen, mate if you don't leave my girlfriend alone I swear to god I'll punch your lights out!"














Hey guys!! I bet ya'll didn't see that coming!! Hehehe. Sorry it took me so long to update I was just busy with school and stuff.

I will be creating an ig page for Reversed and I will let you know what that is when I update later today! But in the meantime you can follow me on my personal account which is


and my kik is


Peace, Love, Rubber Gloves.

Grace xx

Reversed [A Harry Styles FanFiction]TEMPORARILY ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now