The Bad Boy (kth) Part 1

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***A/N: I'm so sorry for the quality of the images, rip :(( I hope you enjoy, though***

I pant, running to the bus stop while trying to put on my jacket and fix my hair. From afar, I can see the bus driver pulling the lever to close the doors and I speed up. I trip on an uneven area on the sidewalk and the bus passes by me. 

Crap, I missed the bus... I'm going to be late for school! I pick myself back up and dust off any dirt on myself and begin running to school. I can't be late today, I have a project to present during the first period!

I check the time on my phone, and it shows 9:30. I punch myself in my imagination and try to pick up the pace, even though school started already. Oh gosh, if I don't make it in time to present, then I'm toast.

I finally arrive at school, sweating and out of breath. The bell rings and students walk out of their classes, now on break. I let out a big sigh and walk to my history class, which I missed. My history teacher is a jerk, and will obviously not let anyone off the hook for missing class, especially a presentation period.

After explaining my situation to him, he tells me that he has extra work for me to do. From exhaustion, I leave the class and sit on the bench outside of my next class. How much worse could today get? 

The next two periods go by without a struggle, making me feel a bit better. I've been looking forward to lunch since I could finally have the chance to vent about my day to my best friend, Jin.

We sit down at the outside tables and Jin brings out the food he made for the both of us.

I sigh in relief, seeing the perfectly made bento in front of my eyes. I look away before I start drooling and bring out my utensils. Jin hands me a bento and I thank him before digging in.

"I noticed you missed history Y/N, how did T/N (teacher's name) react?" Jin asks with worry on his face.

I groan and answer, "He told me he'd assign me extra work of some sort. I just hope it's not anything huge..." I continue to stuff my face with food to help calm me down.

"I honestly don't understand why he doesn't give you a pass for this, you're literally the smartest person in his class and I'm sure everyone knows you wouldn't miss class on purpose," he responds while shaking his head.

"Not sure, T/N is a jerk to everyone, I guess," I respond in an annoyed tone. "I just want to go home and rest, I've had enough of this day, ugh..."

I get a message from T/N, and I open it to read:

I get a message from T/N, and I open it to read:

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I drop my chopsticks and is left speechless.

Jin puts down his bento and looks at me, confused. He takes my phone while saying, "What's wrong?" He reads it and groans in frustration.

He gives me back my phone and starts to rant about T/N and honestly, I tune him out because of how much more upset he is about this than me.

"...I should go and teach him a lesson right now. No one does this to my precious Y/N, or they'll get beat the f-" Jin keeps saying until I cut him off.

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