Our All Nighter (pjm) Oneshot

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I scurry toward the front door and swing it open. Jimin is standing there, soaked by the rain and his hands full of stuff.

"Ommo, quickly come in!" I exclaim, grabbing some things from him.

I go back inside and place them on the couch. I quickly go to the bathroom and prepare a warm bath for him.

"Jimin-ah! The bath is ready, hurry up so you don't get sick," I instruct as I grab an extra towel for him to use.

"Thank you, Y/N," he says as he walks in, "I'll be quick."

I nod and leave the bathroom, closing the door shut. Not knowing what to do while waiting, I bring out a kettle and pour water inside. I place it on the stove and heat it up. A few minutes later, I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist along with a kiss on my cheek.

"Finished already?" I ask, slightly turning my head towards him.

He nods and rests his chin on my shoulder then asks, "Making tea for me? You're so caring, Y/N."

I respond in a playful tone, "Who said this was for you? I'm just in the mood for tea right now~"

"Lies! I know you, Y/N. You're like my mom, worried about every little thing about me," he chuckles quietly. "I love that about you though."

I blush and give him a smile. I feel a drop of water on my skin and notice it's coming from his hair. He's such a kid, not being able to simply dry his hair.

"Go get a towel, I'll dry your hair after the water heats up," I tell him.

He disappears into the bathroom and the kettle starts to whistle. I turn off the stove and pour some of it into a cup. I get the tea bag and dip it in. I carry it to the dining table and place it down. Jimin comes out with a towel and I take it from him before he sits himself down.

I place the towel over his head and gently squeeze the wet parts of his hair. While I continue to dry his hair, he takes sips of his drink and tells me what he brought for our sleepover.

"I got us some snacks since we'll probably be staying up. Uhh, I also brought some movies I thought you might like. Oh! And video games! I remember you wanting me to teach you how to play Overwatch," he cheers, obviously excited.

I respond with a grin, "Tonight is gonna be so fun!"

I finish drying his hair and I put the towel back into the bathroom. I come out to see Jimin sitting on the couch looking through the games. I sit next to him and watch as he picks one of them out.

"Let's play Super Mario!" He says while getting the console set up.

He hands me a controller and grabs one for himself. The game turns on, greeting us with the theme song for Super Mario Bros U.

I glance at Jimin with a pout and say, "J-Jimin-ah, I don't know how to control the thing..."

"You're kidding, right?" He says in a skeptical tone.

I shake my head and fiddle with the controls. Obviously, gaming is not my forte. He lets out a quick laugh and briefly tells me what button does what.

"It's okay, you can practice in the first level. It's really easy so you don't need to worry about dying," he reassures me with a smile.

I feel like I've got the hang of it until Mario, which I'm playing, falls off the map! I let out a gasp and stare at the controller, trying to figure out what to do. I try again and fall off! Jimin notices and lets out a chuckle.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2018 ⏰

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