Chapter 3: Nate

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Storrs, Connecticut.


I look out the train window.

I watch the train pass and pass all the homes, restaurants, parks.

I've been on a train a few times, but not many.

Usually when I'm visiting Bronwyn. 

When I got the letter right before Bronwyn's piano concert senior year, that's what delayed me.

I HAD to go back for her.

I discovered my feelings of her were much more than an ex girlfriend.

I felt awful for being so cruel to her.

I broke her heart.

I left her.

I'll always regret that.

Now that I have her back, I've been on top of the world.

Other than the fact that college is the most stressful thing in my life right now.

I am seriously considering dropping out and moving to New Haven, right near Yale.

Of course, I would never tell Bronwyn about dropping out. 

She would freak out,

she wouldn't let me go through with it.

That's why she doesn't need to know. 

When I got that letter I had mixed feelings.

1. I didn't have the money to go, although it was a fully paid 4 years guaranteed. 

2. I should go, I'll be near Bronwyn.

3. I shouldn't go, how would my mother handle herself?

Things like that.

Deep down I knew I really wanted to go, but there were so many complications.

I knew my mother would've wanted me to.

I look inside my backpack to find Stan in his carrier, sleeping. 

I opened it up and put a piece of raw lettuce inside. 

He smelled it right away and woke up to eat it.

One I'd arrived, I caught a taxi.

I shuffled down the streets and continued walking.

The cold breeze hit my face and relaxed me.

I love coming here.

It's a nice area, has everything.

I walked and walked until I found the big sign,


And I knew I was home. 

I walked along the campus, looking for the dorms.

I was too busy looking at all the trees and grass when I bumped into someone.

"Sorry." I say, picking up their books.

Then I looked to see who it was.

"Hey, Nate. You coming to visit Bronwyn?" Maeve asks.

"Hey, Maeve. And yes, I am." I answer.

"Good. She needs you." 

"What? Did something happen?" I ask.

"Just Bronwyn being her normal worrying self. Thanks for helping me."

"No problem. See you later."

"See ya." Maeve said as she walked away. 

I continued down my path and found Bronwyn's building. 

I went up the stairs and knocked on her dorm.

I hear her walking towards the door.

She opens the door.

"Nate!" She says, pulling me inside.

"Hey, babe." I answer, leaning in for a kiss.

She kisses me back.

I smell her green apple scent.

Boy, did I miss her. 

"I bumped into Maeve on the way up here." I began.

"Yeah, and?" She asks.

"She said you were worried about something." I tell her.

She looks at me and her mood changes completely.

"Yeah, I am. Cooper called." 

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