Chapter 26~ Chunnin Exams Part One

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[Sam= Samanthauchiha]

[Lucy= LucilleElena]

[Kat= AkatsukiGirlDanna]

Me: So what are we doing today?

Sam: Nothing, why?

Me: No reason...I'm just bored I guess.

Lucy: Let's go to the Akatsuki base. We might be able to get a mission.

Kat: And candy.

Sam: Another person! Yes! We can start our own organization one day >:D

Lucy: You're too lazy, Pein would kill us, Itachi wouldn't join it.

Sam: Gosh dangit.....

Kat: Let's just go get candy....I mean go to the Akatsuki base.

Me: Sure....

Lucy: You really like candy, don't you Kat?

Kat: Candy is love, candy is life *^*

Sam: Preach!

Me: Oh gosh.....

*we arrive at the Akatsuki base after a very long discussion about candy*

Me: Where is everyone? *notices no one is here*

Kat: Maybe they're in the meeting room?

Sam: Yeah, let's go check there. Oh, but before we go there, can you go get me, Kat, and Lucy a cupcake Manga? make dieting so freaking hard you know that? *grumbles while I go to kitchen*

Lucy: We'll meet you in the meeting room!!

Kat: I get why it's called a meeting room now xD

Me: *arrives in kitchen and gets cupcakes* Okay, now that I have the stupid cupcakes I can leave....*goes to meeting room* Hey! Hello?! Anyone here? Sam? Lucy? Kat? Great....*sets cupcakes on table and is about to leave*

Tobi: *pops up out of nowhere* SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me: Holy freaking crap!!!!! *falls down and holds hand over heart.*

Everyone else: Surprise!! *pops up out of nowhere*

Tobi: Was Tobi early again?

Pein: Yes Tobi, you were -:_:-

Sam: Bwahahahaha, oh my gosh, she fell on her a** xD

Itachi: Sam.....

Lucy: Lighten up Uchiha, it was pretty hilarious xD

Kat: *takes picture with camera* This memory will last forever.

Sasori: Happy Birthday Manga.

Deidara: You're sixteen now, right un?

Me: *recovered from Tobi's surprise attack* Y-yeah....that's all the surprises I get right?

Kat: Yeah.

Sam: I think....


Me: Oh my gosh, there's more? T^T

Konan: We have cake, ice-cream, and a pinata filled with candy in it.

Me: But-

Sam: Birthdays are the only excuse to not diet. Oh, and Thanksgiving, and Halloween, and all that junk.

Kat: Candy.

Lucy: Yes, we also have a s*** ton of candy.

Me: Well, thanks guys :)

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