Chapter 22~ It ends here

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[ I am very sorry for the really late update. I was not planning to have it come in this late. I'm sorry.]

(Sam= samanthauchiha)

(Lucy= LucilleElena)

Me: Hey Sasuke! There's a package for you from two people called AlittleNinja and BlakeSnow. *hands him package*

Sasuke: *grabs package* Hn, why was it sent to you?

Lucy: Have you two finally seen that you were meant for each other?!

Sasuke and me: Stop pairing us together!!

Lucy: *sniff* But Manguke is so cute...

Sam: Lucy, they look like they're about to kill you....

Me: *Sighs* Just open the stupid package you revenge-seeking egotist.

Sasuke: Stupid girl....*tears open package*

Sam: What is it?'s a dictionary....and a note.

Lucy: What does the note say?

Sasuke: Now you can stop using the word stupid and start using bigger words you illiterate, egotistical maniac.

Me: *snickers*

Sasuke: What? *glares*

Me: Nothing.

Sam: Should we probably mention the contest now?

Sasuke: Contest?

Lucy: Oh yeah! That'd be a good idea!

Itachi: Sam, Manga, and Lucy will now start to say three things about themselves. One will be the truth and the others will be lies.

Me: Wow, you popped up out of nowhere.

Sam: Quiet so he can explain!

Lucy: Yeah, don't interrupt! This is important!

Me: Sorry for interrupting in my disclaimer?

Sam: Manga, you smarta**.....

Me: *backs away and shuts up*

Itachi: As I was saying...whoever guesses correctly will get the prize of getting Tukiko paired up with anyone they want except for the people portrayed as the family members. You will also get to be in the disclaimer of the next chapter. The contest begins now.

Me: I have never shot a gun.

Sam: I have read over 500 books.

Lucy: I have two cats.

Itachi: Okay, that's it. Now you have to decide which one is true and which ones are the lies.

Sasuke:You guys are acting like a bunch of dumba**es.

Me: Don't you have a dictionary so you can use bigger words? Or can you not read?

Sasuke: Shut up. *glares*

Me: *glares back*

Lucy: Aw, it's like a married couple.

Sasuke and I: *turn our glares on Lucy*

Lucy: me *hides behind Sam and Itachi*

Sam: If you two don't behave then we will give you to Orochimaru as presents.

Me: You're bluffing.....

Sam: Manga, how long have you known me?

Me: ......I'll behave now.

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