Chapter 27~ Chunnin Exams Part Two

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[Sam= Samanthauchiha]

[Lucy= LucilleElena]

Me: Sam, please come out of the emo corner...

Sam: No.

Lucy: Why exactly are we at Shisui's house again?

Me: Because Itachi was being a jerk.

Shisui: How is my pretend girlfriend doing?

Sam: *growing mushrooms in emo corner*

Shisui: Well on the bright side I won't have to buy mushrooms from the store.

Lucy: Really?

Me: Shisui that wasn't really funny...

Shisui: Of course it was Manga!

Sam: *still in emo corner*

Lucy: Hey Shisui, do you support Manguke?

Shisui: What?

Me: Just say no.

Shisui: Why? What's Manguke?

Lucy: Manguke is love, Manguke is life.

Me: Manguke is a match made in h***.

Shisui: I'm confused.

Me: Don't worry, we all are. Hey Sam! Let's go get cupcakes!

Sam: *out of the emo corner* Okay.

Lucy: Why didn't I think of that?

Me: Because I'm awesome.

Shisui: That doesn't make sense.

Me: I don't make sense.

Lucy: That's a lie.

Sam: *dragging me* Cupcakes cupcakes cupcakes cupcakes cupcakes.

Shisui: I'll come with you guys. It's no fun here at the house.

Lucy: Sure....

Me: Enjoy the story ahead!

Sam: Cupcakes!

Shisui; Manga doesn't own Naruto. I've always wanted to say that.

Lucy: Yay, you got your dream come true!

Sam: Cupcakes noooooow......

Me: You seriously have a cupcake problem.


*Shinako pov*

"Come in," the hokage's voice spoke from the other side of the door. I sighed.

I had taken Tukiko's advice and decided to go on a mission while she was taking the exams. I didn't have any particular thing that I wanted to do, and I didn't care what mission I went on. She suggested a long one, but sometimes the long missions take a year or two to complete. I suppose I should just go on a month long mission, that would be the safest option at least. I opened the door and stepped in, nodding to the hokage in greeting.

"Ah, Tsukuba-san. I hope that your time here has been well so far?" the hokage gave me a warm smile and I returned it.

"Please just call me by my first name, if you wouldn't mind. I haven't been called by my last name for quite a while. It has been alright here, but the reason I'm here is because I would like to go on a mission," I explained. Oh geez, I sounded like Kakuzu: boring and serious.

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