Chapter 8~ Age Ten

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Me: Ugh! Stupid cooking! T^T

Samanthasf: Stupid cleaning!

Pein: We've been thinking, since you guys complain so much about your work and you tried to run away, we though we'd give you a break.

Kakuzu: You guys are going on a vacation.

Samanthasf: TO DISNEYLAND?!?!?!?! :D

Kakuzu: No, too much money. Camping.

Samanthasf: You suck! T^T

Pein: Itachi will be accompanying you.

Me: Why?

Pein: Because, we don't trust that you won 't run away.

Samanthasf: Fair enough.

Me: I need my space.......

Itachi: That's fine, I'll be near Samanthasf the whole time.

Samanthasf: Because you love me?

Itachi: Because it's fun to annoy you.

Me: Okay then, let's go!

Sasuke: Don't forget me.

Samanthasf:'re coming?!

Sasuke: Yes.

Me: Oh insulting vacation. How fun.

Pein: Just be glad you get a break.

Itachi: Come on.

*We all leave with our camping gear*

Pein: Don't forget to do the disclaimer Kakuzu.

Kakuzu: Will I get paid?

Pein: No, you won't get fired.

Kakuzu: That seems fair, Mangareader90 doesn't own Naruto. We belong to Masashi Kishimoto. Now read the story.


*Tukiko POV*

I sighed in my position in Orochimaru-nii's lab. I was sitting on a stool and watching Orochimaru-nii experiment on one of his test tubes.

Orochimaru-nii looked down at me from what he was doing. He smirked and raised an eyebrow at me.

"What's the matter Tukiko-chan?" Orochimaru-nii asked me.

"We've been down here for two hours, you said you wanted to spend the day with me, but if you did than why are we doing this nii-san?" I asked Orochimaru-nii.

"I thought you would want to spend time with me, but I guess I was wrong," Orochimaru-nii told me sighing.

"No, no, no, no, no! I like spending time with you Orochimaru-nii! I'll be good, I promise!" I told Orochimaru-nii straightening up and looking at the test tube with interest. It had what appeared to be nothing but water in it, although there was probably a being made of water in it.

Orochimaru-nii just chuckled and walked over to me, ruffling my hair.

"I was just kidding Tukiko-chan, I wasn't really going to stay in here all day with you, we'll do something else, just give me ten more minutes," Orochimaru-nii told me.

He walked back over to the test tube and began writing stuff down on a sheet of paper he had attached to a clipboard. I sighed and looked around the room. Most of Orochimaru-nii's things that used to be in his lab were packed up. In fact, only five test tubes remained, everything else was packed in boxes, and lots of them.

Orochimaru-nii looked over at me and stopped writing.

"Tukiko-chan, I need to do something. Go wait for me upstairs okay?" Orochimaru-nii asked me.

I nodded and headed down the hall of the lab where I took a right turn and stood before a rock blocking the way out. I knocked five times and stepped back. The rock moved out of the way and I headed out of the lab and up the stairs. The reason Orochimaru-nii protects his lab is that some bakas *cough* Hidan and Tobi *cough* kept trying to get in.

I kept walking and bumped into someone. I was about to fall on the floor when I felt something metallic wrap around my waist. I felt myself being lifted up into the air. I opened my eyes and looked down to see Sasori-nii in his Kazekage puppet. Sasori-nii's tail was holding me by his tail.

"Thanks Sasori-nii," I told Sasori-nii.

"What are you doing up so early?" Sasori-nii asked me, still holding me up in the air.

"What are you doing up so early in your kazekage puppet?" I asked Sasori-nii.

We stared at each other for five seconds.

"Tukiko," Sasori-nii warned.

"What time is it anyways?" I asked Sasori-nii.

"It's 5:38 a.m.," Sasori-nii told me.

He still held me in the air.

"Well?" Sasori-nii asked me.

"Orochimaru-nii wanted to spend the entire day with me so I got up extra early, can I go now?" I asked Sasori-nii.

He still held me in the air. I squirmed but I couldn't get out. I finally gave up after two minutes.

"Okay, I'll bite. What's wrong?" I asked Sasori-nii.

Sasori-nii looked around the hallway before lowering me back down and bringing me close to his face.

"Be careful around Orochimaru, he's been getting more distant and acting stranger ever since his lost fight with Itachi," Sasori-nii told me.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"I don't know, something weird is just going on is all," Sasori-nii told me.

He finally put me on the ground.

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked Sasori-nii.

"Remember what I told you three years ago Tukiko-chan? I can make an exception of one person to show emotion to, especially if that person is someone who I can't hate no matter how hard I try. I will also always protect that one person, that person is you imouto," Sasori-nii told me.

"I love you Sasori-nii, and I would hug you but I don't want to hug your puppet," I told Sasori-nii as I ran into the living room, the usual meeting spot for everyone before we go somewhere.

I would have to remember to ask Orochimaru-nii what was happening later today. I think Sasori-nii is on to something though, Orochimaru-nii usually didn't want to hang out with me all day, he'd usually be too busy, but he'd hang out with me whenever he could. So why the sudden change?

I reached the living room and saw Kisame-nii passed out on the couch with sake bottles surrounded around him. He's going to have a mega hangover in the morning. I looked around to see if Orochimaru-nii was there, but he wasn't. I was about to walk into the hallway again when Orochimaru-nii appeared out of nowhere.

"You took a long time," I accused Orochimaru-nii, crossing my arms.

Orochimaru-nii just chuckled and smiled.

"Sorry, I was just putting some finishing touches on what I needed to do," Orochimaru-nii told me.

"Which was?" I asked him.

He flinched for a second, but then he looked normal again.

"Nothing important, what do you want to do today?" Orochimaru-nii asked me.

"I want to eat, you woke me up super early and I never even got to eat anything!" I told Orochimaru-nii.

"I knew I forgot to do something," Orochimaru-nii said.

"To the kitchen!" I yelled.

"Wait a minute.......why is Kisame passed out on the couch?" Orochimaru-nii asked me, poking Kisame-nii's head.

"He got drunk I guess, see the bottles on the floor?" responded to Orochimaru-nii.

Orochimaru-nii looked at the ground and sighed. He mumbled something and I guess my mind was playing tricks on me because it sounded a lot like he was mumbling 'I won't miss seeing this every morning'.

I just shook my head, trying to get rid of the thoughts.

"Come on," I told Orochimaru-nii.

We were starting to leave when we saw Kisame-nii twitch.

"What the.....what time is it?" Kisame-nii asked, sitting up and rubbing his head.

Orochimaru-nii looked at the clock on the wall.

"It's 6:30 a.m.," Orochimaru-nii answered.

"Why are you two up so early in the morning? Why are there empty bottles of sake around me? And were you two talking in the dark? Why were you two talking in here period? I was sleeping!" Kisame-nii asked/yelled at us.

"We are spending the day together, I would think you would know about the bottles, we didn't want to wake you up so early in the morning by turning on the light, we were talking because we were planning on what to do today, and live with it fish face! You have a room!" I answered Kisame-nii.

Kisame narrowed his eyes.

"Actually, I DON'T know why the bottles are around me, I didn't drink anything yesterday. I would be in my room, but the last thing I remember last night was being knocked out by an book flying at me and hitting my head, squirt," Kisame-nii told me.

"Wait, book?" I asked.

All of a sudden the lights were turned on and Hidan-nii was standing in the living room entrance holding a picture in the air and grinning like an idiot.

"You didn't," Kisame-nii told Hidan-nii, narrowing his eyes.

Hidan-nii just laughed.

"Oh but I did! Think of it as revenge for setting me up on a blind date with my f***ing ex, do you know how f***ing long it took to kill her?!" Hidan-nii responded, glaring at the end.

"Do you have to kill everyone you meet Hidan-nii?" I asked him, sighing.

The room got quiet and everyone looked at me. Then they started laughing.

"This is Akatsuki, that's our goal!" Kisame-nii told me.

"Oh, yeah.....I forgot," I told them, looking down.

They stared at me. Sometimes they forgot that I didn't work for the organization, my first mission won't be until I am twelve, and my partner will be Shinako. Until then, I was to stay at his stupid base.

One time I tried to sneak off with Kisame-nii and Itachi-nii.......I got grounded.

"Oh, aren't really involved yet are you?" Orochimaru-nii asked me.

"Whatever, anyways, what did you do Hidan-nii?" I asked Hidan-nii.

He grinned and chuckled.

"I waited for three hours for everyone to go to bed, knowing that shark boy would stay up to finish watching his stupid movie. When everyone was in bed I went into the library and got the biggest book we have, then I snuck back into the living room entrance and threw the book at the back of Kisame's head. When he fell on the ground I ran over to make sure he was unconscious, which he was. I then put him on the couch, went into the kitchen where we keep bottles because Kakuzu is too cheap to throw them out, and I placed them by Kisame. I then took a dozen pictures, so if anyone manages to destroy this one, I have copies!" Hidan-nii explained.

I face palmed myself. How could Shinako-chan love someone as stupid as Hidan-nii was?

"BURN THE PICTURES!!!!!" Kisame-nii yelled at Hidan-nii, as he chased him down the hallway.

I sighed and looked at Orochimaru-nii.

"Food?" I asked him.

"Food," he responded.

So with that, we headed into the kitchen and ate five chocolate covered pocky. We then went outside and into the forest.

"Why are we here?" I asked Orochimaru-nii.

"Because, there's something I think you'd enjoy seeing up here, I just need to remember where I saw it," Orochimaru-nii told me.

I played with my bracelet while he was talking. My bracelet was the only thing I had left that reminded me of Sasuke-nii, besides his brother. Just like the only thing I had left to remember Naruto-nii by was a ramen coupon......which I had already used.

I remember the day that Sasuke-nii gave me this bracelet.



*Five years ago, three months before the death of Tukiko's parents*

I was laying in the grass and looking up at the clouds. The clouds were so lucky, to go somewhere without worry, to be free to do whatever they want. Stupid, lucky clouds!

"Tukiko-chan!" Sasuke-nii called out to me.

I looked over at Sasuke-nii.

"Yes Sasuke-nii?" I asked him.

I sat up and looked at Sasuke.

"I told you to call me kun," Sasuke-nii pouted.

"Yes Sasuke-kun?" I asked him.

He brightened up and got out a box.

"This is for you!" Sasuke-nii told me.

I smiled and got out a box.

"That's coincidental! I got you a gift too!" I told Sasuke-nii.

He blushed and then shook his head. He handed me the gift, and I handed him my gift. I opened my box up and saw that it was a bracelet with a kanji in the middle for hope. It was a silver bracelet. I looked up at Sasuke-nii to see him staring at his gift. It was a picture of the two of us when we were training one year ago. We were both smiling in the picture.

Sasuke-nii looked up at me and smiled. I glomped Sasuke-nii.

"I love you, I love you. I love you, I love you!" I told Sasuke-nii.

He looked at me in surprise and had a big blush on his face. Then he smiled.

"I love you too, Tukiko-chan. In a different way than you though," Sasuke-nii told me.

"What do you mean?" I asked him, confused.

"Nothing, I'll tell you when we're older," Sasuke-nii promised me.

I smiled at him.

"Okay!" I told him.

"Come on Tukiko-chan, let's go bother Itachi-nii until he agrees to train us!" Sasuke-nii told me.

"Okay!" I responded, running after Sasuke-nii.


*Present Time*

"Well, are you coming imouto?" Orochimaru-nii asked me, turning around and raising his eyebrow.

"Oh! Sorry Oro-nii!" I told him.

He groaned and rolled his eyes.

"I told you I hate that nickname," Orochimaru-nii told me.

"I know! But you love me!" I told Orochimaru-nii, giving him a closed eyed smile.

He rolled his eyes and continued walking. I followed him and we ended up at this cave. I was wondering why we were in here until I saw the reason. In front of us was a family of wolves. There was six of them in general, two black, three gray, and one white. They were all pups. I wanted to steal them all but I knew better.

"This is so cool!" I told Orochimaru-nii.

"I thought you would think that, there's something else too," Orochimaru-nii told me.

He led me all the way to the end of the cave where there were crystals upside the walls, and a mini waterfall running down the walls. The light blue crystals radiated the room and made it look really beautiful.

"Wow, thanks Orochimaru-nii!" I told Orochimaru-nii, hugging him.

He hugged me back.

"You're welcome," he told me.

We sat down and Orochimaru-nii talked about his recent lab results. His lab tests always made me uneasy.

Orochimaru-nii, why do you do these experiments?" I asked him.

"I do these experiments so that I can find a way to be immortal," Orochimaru-nii informed me.

I sighed.

"What is it with everyone and wanting to be immortal? You, grandpa Kakuzu, Hidan-nii, Sasori-nii...," I said, trailing off.

"Being immortal means living forever, nothing can kill you, you're invincible," Orochimaru-nii told me.

"So? If you're invincible than you don't know if it's because of your strength or because of your immortality," I told Orochimaru-nii.

Orochimaru-nii looked at me for a few seconds.

"What's wrong being invincible because of immortality and not strength?" Orochimaru-nii asked me.

I considered that for a moment.

"I don't know, it just feels wrong to me," I answered Orochimaru-nii.

He just looked at me and smiled. His smile held sorrow, but I don't know why.

"We never did find out how powerful you are, we never even found out your name," Orochimaru-nii told me.

I looked down, I wasn't ready, not yet.

"Yeah, I guess you don't," I told him.

Orochimaru-nii looked at my expression and sighed.

"You don't have to tell me yet, but you will have to tell someone soon," Orochimaru-nii told me.

"I know Orochimaru-nii, but I just don't know how soon, and I don't know who to," I told Orochimaru-nii.

"I have a feeling you will soon enough," Orochimaru-nii told me.

"You know what's strange? I think you're right," I told Orochimaru-nii.

(A/N: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know I'm evil. I keep you in suspense, but don't worry, the secret will be revealed soon.)

We started talking about life in general. Orochimaru-nii talked about his old friends Tsunade and Jiraiya, and his sensei Sarutobi. I talked about my parents, Sasuke-nii, and Naruto-nii. By the time we were done we heard howling.

"Is that the wolf cubs mom?" I asked Orochimaru-nii.

"I suppose it is, we should get going," Orochimaru-nii told me.

I followed hi out of the cave, trying to avoid an overprotective mother and failing.

"Run Orochimaru-nii, run!" I yelled at Orochimaru-nii.

We ran across the cave, and out into the forest where there was a full moon out. I guess we were there longer than we thought. I looked behind me and saw that the mother wolf stopped chasing after us.

"I guess we were in there too long," Orochimaru-nii told me.

"What time is it?" I asked him.

He looked down at his watch.

"11:58 p.m.," Orochimaru-nii told me.

"We better get back to the base before anyone starts to worry!" I told Orochimaru-nii.

I tugged on his arm but he didn't move, I turned around to look at him.

"Orochimaru-nii? Come on, we have to go," I told him.

He sighed and I saw pain in his eyes.

"What's wrong Orochimaru-nii? What's going on?" I asked him.

There was a moment of silence before he answered.

"I'm leaving Tukiko-chan," Orochimaru-nii told me.

I let what he said sink in.

"W-what?" I asked him.

I couldn't believe this. Just when Orochimaru-nii and I were starting to get close, he leaves me.

"I'm leaving the akatsuki, I have no need to stay there anymore," Orochimaru-nii told me.

"Why?! Can't you stay because, I don't know, you love me? Huh, Orochimaru-nii?!" I asked him, raising my voice.

"I do love you Tukiko-chan, but I need to find a new vessel, and I wont be able to do that if I stay in this organization," Orochimaru-nii told me.

"Is that what this is all about?! Your stupid immortality research? I should've known, five years with you, I'm so stupid! I thought you actually considered me family!" I shouted at him, tears spilling down my face.

"I do consider you family imouto, but I cant stay, not even for you," Orochimaru-nii told me.

That hurt me way more than I ever would have imagined it could.

"Fine, leave. What do I care? You're not my nii-san anymore," I told Orochimaru-nii.

I turned around to leave but he blocked me from going.

"You don't mean that," Orochimaru-nii told me.

"How would you know? How much do you even know about me?" I asked him.

"Even though I don't know your last name, I know that you are my imouto, and I know that I am your nii-san. Even if you don't think so, I am," Orochimaru-nii told me.

"My nii-san would never leave me," I told him, with ice in my voice.

He didn't respond for a while, he just looked at me with pain evident in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, please forgive me," Orochimaru-nii told me.

Before I could respond I was knocked out and everything turned to black.


*Orochimaru Pov*

I stared down at my imouto, the one person who I've ever considered family. I sighed and walked back towards the base. I left her at the boulder of the cave and knocked five times on the door to the left, three to the right, and two in the middle. Before the boulder could open all the way I left.

I hid up in a tree a few yards away from the base and watched as Kisame stepped outside, noticed Tukiko, and started to panic. Idiot. Should I really trust them to take care of Tukiko? Then again, who am I to talk? I'm the one who's leaving her.

I watched as Kisame grabbed Tukiko's unconscious figure then run inside. I sighed and took one last look at the base before I turned around to leave the akatsuki, and my precious imouto



*Kisame pov*

Oh crap, oh crap!!!! What do I do?! Should I tell leader-sama? Or put her in bed?

I was still freaking out over what to do when Konan stepped into the room.

"Kisame, is that my baby?" Konan asked me.

"Yes," I told her.

"What are you doing with her?" Konan asked, an angry expression on her face.

"I found her outside of the base's entrance. She was supposed to be with Orochimaru so I'm guessing that he left the Akatsuki," I told her.

Konan nodded and took Tukiko-chan away from me.

"I'll tell Pein, in the meantime you and Itachi are going to go find a new base for us," Konan instructed me.

I nodded and left to go find Itachi.

Poor Tukiko-chan, she didn't see it coming, but everyone else did. Or maybe she did notice it but was hoping along with the rest of us that it was just in our head.

Either way, Orochimaru left us, and I know for a fact that that had to hurt Tukiko-chan.

Me? I really didn't care for the guy, but I know one thing. I will kill him if I see him again.


*Konan pov*

I looked down at my baby and saw that her cheeks were stained from crying.

That no good, snake b*******!

The next time I see him I'll kill him, that's a fact!

In the meantime, Itachi and Kisame'll have to find a new base for us to live at. Which means that as soon as I tell Pein our current situation, we were all going to have to pack as much as we could and leave this place in five hours, which doesn't give us a lot of time.

I sighed and looked down at Tukiko-chan. I remember five years ago when we first saw her, she was so wary of trusting anyone else except for the person who saved her. She even hated Orochimaru, but then she learned to love everyone.

At least this situation taught her that not everyone could be trusted. If she wants to grow up and become a ninja than she'll need to know that in the future. Her first mission is coming up in two years, will she be ready for it? All we know is that she is better than all of the akatsuki combined in taijutsu and ninjutsu. Her genjutsu is needs serious work though, and she needsto work on that if she ever wants to become as strong as us, if not stronger when she grows up.

We'll need to know her past soon, but after today I don't think that's going to come up anytime soon.

I sighed again as I reached Pein's office doors. I knocked on the doors three times.

"Come in," came an answer in reply.

I opened the door and stepped into the room.


*Pein pov*

I looked up from my desk and saw Konan holding Tukiko-chan. Tukiko-chan was unconscious, and had tear stained cheeks.

"What happened?" I asked, angry.

I lost Yahiko, and I gained Tukiko. I wasn't going to let anything bad happen to her.

"Orochimaru left the Akatsuki, Kisame found Tukiko-chan right outside of the entrance and brought her in. Orochimaru must have knocked her out before leaving," Konan explained to me.

That snake freak is dead.

"Make every one pack up, and send out Kisame and Itachi to find a new base," I instructed her.

"I already did the second thing, I will leave to do the first," Konan told me.

With that, she flew away into paper, carrying Tukiko away with her.


*Shinako pov*

I was playing Go Fish with Tobi-nii when a ton of papers carrying Tukiko-chan came into the room. I looked up and Konan turned back into her original self.

"What happened?!" I asked Konan, panicked.

It looked as if Tukiko-chan had been crying, and she was unconscious.

"Orochimaru left, pack your things immediately, we leave in five hours," Konan instructed me.

I did as I was told and started to pack everything, Tobi-nii helped me and Konan put Tukiko-chan on the bed before she left to go pack her own things. By the time everything was packed two hours had passed. We even put Tukiko-chan off of the bed so that we could disassemble the bed and pack that. It's not like this is the first time we've been on the move.

I left to help Tobi-nii go pack his things. When we were passing in the hallway I saw Sasori in his kazekage puppet. I really hate that puppet, it freaked me out. Sasori looked at us and I shivered.

"Where's Tukiko-chan?" Sasori asked us.

"Bedroom," I answered.

He nodded and left, probably to go check on her. Sasori has everything he needs on his scrolls, he can just pack those and he'll be done.

Tobi-nii and I walked into his room and started packing his things.

"I can't believe that snake freak would do this to Tukiko-chan," Tobi-nii told me, using his regular voice.

"I can, I never trusted Orochimaru from the second I saw him. Although I must admit that this is a low, even for him," I told Tobi-nii as I disassembled his bed.

"Still, he loved Tukiko like a little sister," Tobi-nii told me.

"Uhh, news flash nii-san, we all do!" I reminded him, rolling my eyes.

"Yeah, I know, but with Orochimaru that's even weirder than us. Orochimaru never had someone he loved. Like me and......Rin.......," Tobi-nii told me sighing.

I knew Rin was who Tobi-nii loved a lot. And for her to be killed by his best friend.......well, it wasn't easy on him.

"It'll be okay Tobi-nii, Tukiko-chan is strong, like you," I reminded him.

"Let's hope so, come one, we need to finish packing, we leave in less than an hour and we have to pack Kisame and Itachi's bags because they're the ones looking for a new base," Tobi-nii reminded me.

"Okay!" I told him.

And with that, we went back to work packing things up. Leaving an awkward silence as we did so.


*Sasori pov*

I walked in Tukiko-chan's room to see that she had just became conscious again.

"What? How did I get here so fast?" she asked me.

"Orochimaru left you at the entrance of the base, Kisame saw you and brought you inside. The reason everything s packed up is because we're finding a new base in less than an hour," I informed her.

"I should've trusted you Sasori-nii," Tukiko-chan told me, looking down.

"It's not your fault, you're not the one who left us," I told her.

"I'm so stupid," she said.

"No you're not, Orochimaru left because he's a traitor, its not your fault that you didn't see it coming," I told her.

"No Sasori-nii, Orochimaru-nii left because of his stupid immortality research! And I did see it coming, I was just hoping that I was wrong," she told me.

"Don't feel so bad, you've still got me remember? And I'm not leaving you anytime soon," I told her.

"Thanks Sasori-nii, I love you," Tukiko-chan told me.

"I love you too," I told her.

I stayed in the room with her and we waited for Kisame and Itachi to come back.


*Zetsu pov*

We saw everything happen. From Orochimaru abandoning Tukiko, to Kisame finding her, to everyone packing.

"This time Orochimaru messed up," my white half said.

"He's always messed up, only this time I want to kill him," my black half responded.

"Same here," my white half told my black half.

"We have everything we need right?" my black half asked my white half.

"Yes," my white half answered my black half.

"Then what are we waiting around here for? Itachi and Kisame are almost back," my black half told my white half.

"Let's go," my white half said, and with that we dissolved into the Earth.


*Itachi pov*

We showed up at the base after finding another base for us to live at for a while.

"Well?" Konan asked me after we knocked on the boulder.

"We have found another base," I stated emotionlessly.

"Good, here's your stuff, let's go," Konan told us, handing us our stuff and going back inside to get the others.

We waited for five minutes and saw everyone filing out.

"Oi! I can't believe because of that snake b****** we have to move!!! Again!" Hidan complained, coming outside with his things.

"You should be used to it by now Hidan," Kakuzu told him, following him outside.

"Shut up! Just because I'm used to it doesn't mean that I like moving! Sometimes I forget my things," Hidan commented.

"You mean like that one time where you forgot five shirts, three scythe polishers, and a pair of pants?" Shinako asked him.

"Yeah," he responded.

Baka. No one forgets that many items.

"Let's get moving," I told everyone.

I took a glance at Tukiko-chan and saw that her head was down. She probably cried. Whenever she used to cry in the village she would hang her head down, she never did like anyone to see her tears.

I'll kill Orochimaru. I would have to in the future anyways, anyone who leaves the Akastuki and survives is an enemy, and all enemies are to be eliminated.

"Okay, let's get going! It'll be a while before we get there, so someone duct tape Hidan's mouth shut so I don't have to hear him complain that much," Kisame commented.

I had to suppress a snicker.

"Oi! Shut up fish face!" Hidan replied.

"Sorry, but that's Tukiko-chan's nickname for me, try again," Kisame replied.

I smiled inwardly. The Akatsuki is a weird family for Tukiko to live in, we act normal but in reality we kill people for a living and we are ruthless. Well, we're supposed to be ruthless, but having two little children around us softens us up by a lot.

"Let's just go already, I'm tired and I want this day to end," Tukiko-chan said as she began walking in front of us.

"Hey squirt, where're you going?! You don't know the way!" Kisame told her, holding her back by the collar of her cloak.

"Can't I find it on my own?" Tukiko-chan asked.

"That's not how it works," I told her.

She sighed and Kisame lifted her up as we began walking to our new base.

All the while listening to Hidan complain and whine. I was seriously considering that idea about duct taping his mouth shut.


*Three months later*

*Shinako pov*

I was sitting outside with Tukiko-chan when I noticed that she was staring off into space again. She's been doing that ever since Orochimaru left us.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked her.

"Sasori-nii doesn't have a partner anymore," Tukiko-chan told me.

"Please don't tell me you're considering asking leader-sama if you can be his partner!" I begged her.

I really needed Tukiko to be my partner, while I lacked basic ninjutsu, she didn't, and while she lacked basic genjutsu, I didn't. We'd be the ultimate team! Although we'd seriously would have to work on getting better at that stuff.

"No! I want to be your partner, we made a deal that we'd always be partners! I was just thinking, someone's going to have to replace him, but who?" she asked me.

I was relieved about what she said, but I was also stumped. I thought about what she asked me for a while, and finally I responded.

"I don't know."


Samanthasf: We've been walking for hours!

Me: Does anyone know where we're going?

Itachi: I had a map.

Me: Had?

Itachi: I lost it.

Samanthasf: You lost our map?!

Sasuke: Please, we're Uchiha's, we can find a campsite without a stupid piece of paper.

Itachi: Correct.

Me: You two are so full of yourselves.

Sasuke: At least we're awesome enough that we can be. What's your excuse?

Me: Why are you here again?

Sasuke: Revenge.

Samanthasf: We said we were sorry!!

Sasuke: Whatever, now let's find a spot.

Me: Is that a bear?

Itachi: Probably not, there aren't that many bears around- wait. That is a bear.

Samanthasf: WHAT?!

Me: What do we do?

Sasuke: I'm guessing we stand still and not make any sudden movements.

Samanthasf: But my feet hurt.

Sasuke: No. Sudden. Movements.

Itachi: Forget this, I'm just going to kill it.

Me: Wait!

Samanthasf: That bear is twice our size!

Sasuke: I don't care what you do.

Samanthasf: Shut up Sasuke.

*Itachi runs up to the bear and starts fighting with it*

Me: Ow!

Sasuke: Which one is winning?

Samanthasf: The bear, Itachi, the bear, Itachi, the bear, Itachi.......this is gonna take a while.

Sasuke: We wouldn't be in this mess if you two would learn to complain less.

Me: Should you really be the one to talk about this?

Sasuke: What do you mean?

Samanthasf: 'I'm an avenger!' 'You killed my parents, I'll avenge their deaths!' 'Why did you kill my parents?' 'Leave me alone!'

Sasuke: Your point?

Me: 'I blame my brother for everything even though he was just doing his job.'

Sasuke: I've never said that before.

Samanthasf: 'Look at me, I'm Sasuke and I'm emo!'

Sasuke: I'm not emo!!!!! Why do people keep calling me emo?

Me: Aren't we forgetting about Itachi?

Samanthasf: He'll be fine.

Me: Vote, like, comment, read Samanthasf's story Konoha College.

Sasuke: I'm not emo!!!!!

Samanthasf: Then why did you stab yourself before Orochimaru could kill you with kunai when he was disguised as a girl in the chunin exams?

Sasuke: So I wouldn't die!

Samanthasf: Suuuuure.....

Sasuke: I'm telling the truth!

Me: Oh boy.....well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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