———Jungkook didn't know how he should dress. Should he dress up? Casual? Show off his body? Jungkook didn't know.
Jimin looked great from the picture he had seen. Beautiful body just like he remembered. Jungkook sighs and decides to just wear a t-shirt, leather jacket, and ripped jeans. His original look.
Jungkook made sure his motorcycle was full before he left. Seoul was two hours away, and Jungkook hoped he would get there fast.
After two long hours, Jungkook arrived into the large city. After getting lost a few times and getting looks from people on the street, he finally pulls up the the large building that has Jimin's last name on it.
Jungkook takes his helmet off and looks up, "Wow," he mutters. He couldn't believe that Jimin was this successful. Sassy little Jimin.
Jungkook walked in and watched all the people scurry around in their suits. Jungkook went up to the desk where a receptionist was sitting.
"Excuse me?" Jungkook gets the girls attention.
The girl looks up and stares at Jungkook for a moment before asking, "Oh, yes?"
"I'm here to see Park Jimin."
The girl nods, "Do you have an appointment?"
Jungkook purses his lips, "Umm, no."
The lady sighs, "I'm sorry. You can't see him unless you have an appointment."
"I'm friends with him."
"You need an appointment."
Jungkook lowly curses and backs away from the desk. The lady goes back to her work.
Jungkook sighs and looks at the elevator, his feet moving before he could think. Once he gets inside, he looks at the male who was standing next to him.
"What floor?" The man asks.
"I'm here to see Jimin."
"Mr. Park? I thought this was his lunch hour," the man says, furrowing his eyebrows behind his glasses.
"I'm a friend."
The guy looks Jungkook over, "I don't remember seeing you around."
Jungkook just sighs, "Will you please hit his floor?"
The guy hits the top floor and then backs away into the corner when his phone rings. Jungkook just huffs.
The elevator comes to a stop and the doors open. Jungkook walks out, almost bumping into a male who was carrying files.
"Watch it!" The guy hisses before continuing on.
Jungkook blows air out of his mouth and walks down the hallway until he comes to another little desk with a woman sitting there.
"Hi, are you lost?" The woman asks.
"Uhh, no. I'm here to see Jimin," Jungkook says, once again.
The woman narrows her eyes, "I don't think so. What's your name?"
"There is no Jungkook scheduled. And besides, Mr. Park is eating."
"Please, I need to see him."
"I'm sorry sir—"
Just then the door behind her opens and Jimin walks out, looking down at his iPad, "Jisoo, I think that new band is using too many hours."

SINGULARITY // vminkook
Jugendliteratur3rd book College. Growing up. Future. The three get through it together.