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"What are you doing here?"

Jungkook and Jimin had called Taehyung a few times while he was visiting his father. He wasn't allowed to have his phone inside so he didn't see them until he got out.

He called Jimin and asked to pick him up, and once he got inside the car, the questions began.

"I just... got closure," Taehyung says as he buckles himself in.

"You saw...him?"


Jungkook looks back and gives him a look of sympathy, "You okay, love?"

Taehyung just gives him a small smile and nods, "I'm great, Jungkook. I mean it."

Jimin glances back to make sure Taehyung was truthful to his words, and luckily Taehyung had a genuine smile in his face that made Jimin feel comforted.

Jungkook takes Taehyung's hand and squeezes it before turning back around to face the front. Taehyung knows that they have questions, he could tell by their constant glances. Taehyung chuckles and takes his shoes off, putting his feet between the two. "I know you guys have questions. Ask away."

"What did he say?"

"Did he hurt you?"

"What did you say?"

"Why did you go?"

Taehyung raises his eyebrows at the questions and decided to answer them in order. "Well, he wasn't nice. He didn't hurt me. I wasn't nice either. I went because I needed to."

Jungkook looks back, "Why did you go alone?"

Taehyung chuckles, "Kookie, if you heard the stuff he said then Jimin and I would have had to leave without you since you would have broke through the glass to kill him."

Jimin chuckles at that but Jungkook frowns, "Just tell me what he said."



"Why?" Taehyung asks, tilting his head.

Jungkook shrugs, "I just wanna know..."

Taehyung smiles, "No."

Jungkook just pouts and turns back around childishly, crossing his arms. Jimin scoffs and calls him a baby making the two start to argue.

Taehyung gets distracted from his idiots when his phone vibrates. He looks at the notification and smiles when Yoongi send a text wondering why the mansion was empty.

Taehyung assures him that they are almost home and rolls his eyes at the knife emoji he sends back.



"I had him!" Yoongi shouts, throwing his controller down in anger as Jimin snickers.

"Clearly not," Jungkook says as he wins the game.

Yoongi glares and goes over to the tv, turning the PlayStation off. Jungkook gasps.

"You dick!"

"You cheated!"

The two continue to yell at each other in front of the large couch in the game room. Jimin sighs and puts his head in Taehyung's lap, looking up at him.

"You have a booger."

Taehyung looks down, "Huh?"

"In your nose. A bat is in the cave, baby," Jimin says, going to pick to himself but Taehyung slaps his hand away. "Gross. Stop."

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