———Jungkook and Jimin decided to go and visit Taehyung again. They couldn't let him be without a full explanation.
It was Monday night and both boys prayed that Taehyung was working. They easily get into the club, walking over to a corner booth.
"It smells like cheap perfume and desperation," Jimin said, fixing his expensive shirt.
Jungkook sighs and look up when a male in minimal clothing walks over with a tray, "Would you boys like some drinks?"
Jimin stops Jungkook's hand from reaching out and he takes out his wallet, "How much for good alcohol?"
The male chuckles, "Hundred will do."
Jimin passes the bill over and the guy saunters off.
"Jimin, What the heck?" Jungkook asks.
"I'm not drinking that cheap shit," Jimin says, "ruin my rich diet."
Jungkook breaks out into a smile. That is something Jimin would say.
After a few males dance and strip on stage, Jungkook starts to worry. "Maybe he's not even working?"
Jimin sighs and is about to stand up when a figure in a red lingerie set walks pass them. Jimin recognizes the silver hair, his hand automatically reaching out and grabbing Taehyung's wrist.
Taehyung stops and looks over, his eyes slightly alerted before he recognizes Jimin. His heart doesn't stop racing, though.
"Jimin? I'm working."
"Okay, then can you give us a minute to talk?" Jimin asks, Taehyung looking over at Jungkook who was already looking at him.
"I can't," Taehyung says as he pulls his arm away, "I'm doing lap dances. I'm not allowed to take breaks."
"Then give me a lap dance," Jimin says as he sits down.
"Excuse me?"
"You can talk and work," Jimin tells him.
Taehyung sighs and walks over, "Fine. But show me the money."
"You want us to pay you?" Jungkook asks, getting a nod in response.
"Yeah. This is my job."
Jimin huffs and takes out two hundreds, slamming them on the table, "Now, can we talk?"
Taehyung nods and licks his lips and starts to slowly move his hips to the music playing in the club.
Jimin swallows his urge to stare and starts to speak, "Why didn't you contact us?"
Taehyung touches his body softly as he answers, "Because."
"Because why?" Jungkook asks, "you blocked me."
Taehyung slowly drops to the floor, coming back up slowly, "I was tired of bringing you guys into my problems."
Jimin furrows his eyebrows but suddenly Taehyung is straddling him, "My boss is watching," he says as he slowly moves his hips.
"Tae- V, your problems are our problems. We are a team. We could have helped you, love," Jungkook says.
Taehyung feels a slight pain from the old nickname, looking away so he wouldn't meet their eyes, continuing to grind on Jimin's lap. "I don't want to talk about this. It happened to me. You had your own lives and I wasn't going to ruin that. So what if I'm not a fucking artist?" Taehyung says, gripping Jimin's arm as his voice gets thicker, "so what if we aren't together? So what if things changed? I never deserved a happy life," Taehyung whispers the last part, standing up from Jimin who was stunned at his confession. Taehyung snatches the money off the table and puts it in his panties, "Thanks for rent, boys."
Taehyung doesn't look in their eyes before he walks away.
Jimin blinked away his shock and looked at Jungkook who looked hurt and somewhat pissed.
"What do we do?"
Jungkook looks over and sighs, "Figure out what we missed these past four years. Something doesn't add up."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean," Jungkook says, "that he is so beyond broken that he made himself into a new person. We need to find out when that happened."
"How is that going to help us?"
"It's better than not knowing anything, huh? I'm going to figure out how to help him. He's our baby."
Jimin just nods.
Jin stoped packing when the front door continued to get knocked on. Jin walks over and swings the door open, his eyes widening when he sees his little brother.
Jungkook smiles and lets Jin bring him into a hug. Jimin walks in just as Namjoon comes out of the bedroom, "What's going on?"
"Joon, it's JK!"
Jungkook pulls away from Jin and gives Namjoon a smile. It was weird. Even though he knew Namjoon before fame, it's been so long it feels like he was meeting one of his favorite celebrities.
"Jungkook!" Namjoon smiles and walks over, giving him a hug, "It's been four years!"
"I know."
Jin smiles at Jimin, "I'm so happy you guys are here! Tell us what we missed!" Jin says as they go into the living room.
"Well, I'm a boxer now," Jungkook says, "I also train."
Jin smiles, "That's great! How's mom?"
"She's... not herself."
Jin frowns and sighs.
"Jungkook, you still live in that town?" Namjoon asks.
"Close to it, yeah."
"Why didn't you ever come down?" Namjoon asks, "Jimin complained for years!"
"I did not!"
Jungkook feels guilty as he looks over at him. Why didn't he come? He knew where Jin was. He new that the business was moved to Seoul but what held him back? Fear?
"So, where's Taehyung? Haven't heard from him," Jin says.
Namjoon clears his throat, "Well, umm, I've heard some things."
"Like what?" Jungkook asks.
"Well, Yoongi and I talk some and usually Taehyung is with him as his tours. But Yoongi doesn't tell me much else," Namjoon explains.
Jimin's mouth drops, "Yoongi? But isn't Yoongi like...emo now?"
"No, he's dangerous," Jin says with a frown, "Why is Taehyung hanging out with him? Didn't he beat some collage kid few years back?" Jin asks Namjoon.
Namjoon nods, "Yeah. He wouldn't tell me why. That's another reason why we split."
Jungkook furrows his eyebrows, "Wait, was it a collage in Busan?"
"Yeah, why?"
Jungkook looks at Namjoon.
"I need Yoongi's number."

SINGULARITY // vminkook
Teen Fiction3rd book College. Growing up. Future. The three get through it together.