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I have 72 drafts. All the way from 2015. I can't imagine the cringe-
Jimin continued to help pack the old studio with his father. Jimin didn't want to face the fact that his dad would have to move with the company. He wasn't going to move. Not further away from his boys.
"Hey dad?" Jimin speaks up as he taped up a box. His father looks up from his desk where we was looking through papers, "Yeah?"
"I wanna get my own house."
Jimin's father looks up and nods, "Okay. Where?"
"Lemme have our house once you and mom move to Seoul."
Jimin's father chuckles and shakes his head, "No. that house is way too big for only you to live in. It was too big for only three of us. You can get an apartment."
Jimin scoffs, "An apartment? Ew!"
"Jimin, you will have to pay for it yourself."
"......see that's shit."
Jimin frowns, "But.. that means I'll have to get a job."
Jimin's dad raises his eyebrows, "Jimin. I'll give you a job but if you act like this then you deserve to look for one yourself."
Jimin sighs and shuts up.
Noah and Jungkook ended up falling sleeping in his car. Jungkook woke up first, an ache in his neck, and groaned when he looked out the window and saw students walking around.
Jungkook had classes today. Jungkook looked at the time and sighed seeing his first class didn't start for a few hours. Jungkook looked over at Noah and shook his shoulders. Noah woke up, "Mhhm?"
"It's morning."
Noah sighs and sits up and rubs his shoulder as he slowly blinks and sighs. Jungkook watches as he moves his hair back, "Fuck, I was hoping that was a dream."
Jungkook frowns and rubs the back of Noah's neck, "You're okay, yeah? You still have Costa."
Noah nods and sighs loudly, "Yeah, I do. I swear I'm going to marry him."
Jungkook smiles, "I bet."
Noah looks over at Jungkook and gives him a small smile, "Thank you."
"Of course."
Noah stares at Jungkook for a few seconds, "How's your boys?"
Jungkook just smiles and groans, "Well, Jimin-"
"I understand."
Jungkook laughs along with Noah until Noah tells him to continue. "Jimin is jealous of my roommate because apparently he's pretty."
"He probably is."
"Yeah but I don't care."
"Jimin does."
Jungkook snorts, "Jimin would be jealous if I ate a hotdog sexually because it's not him."
Noah loudly laughs.
The two stay in the car for a little longer before Jungkook needed to get ready for his class. Jungkook gave Noah a big hug before getting out the car and heading inside.
"I heard the teacher is hot," Toby says as they walk to the class they had together.
Taehyung smiles, "You're into older men?"
"If they are hot."
The two walk in and Toby looks at the teacher, his eyes widening, "He's hot."
Taehyung snorts, "Have fun with that."
Taehyung walks to a desk by Toby and the two sit down, looking over the syllabus on the board.
Toby sighs and looks at the teacher who was on his computer. "He's so... hot."
"Toby, don't do anything stupid."
Toby chuckles and looks over at some girls who were also whispering about the teacher. "I'll do something before they do."
Taehyung looks over and groans.
"I will not be dragged into this."
"Yeah thank God. You're attractive as hell I would have no chance."