—————The town that all the boys grew up in was special.
It spit out two amazing and talented rappers, two outstanding dancers, a boxer who had a beautiful voice, a handsome actor, and a shy artist.
The town was so special that none of them wanted to move away.
It was home.
Most of the relationship of Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook was set in Jimin's bedroom, of course. But it wasn't the place that meant the most the the boys.
Just a mile off into the woods nearby, a beautiful pond sat. There was a pier that heard the best conversations. Saw every problem.
It meant a lot to Jimin and Jungkook, but it meant so much more to Taehyung.
That same pier was the one he slept on when he didn't want to go home, the place he cried about his life, the place he hoped to leave. It was also where his life turned around. The place he met his two husbands and best friends. The place Jimin confessed. The place Jungkook held him. The place they had their favorite date. The place Taehyung almost killed himself but didn't. The place where they got married.
The place they fell in love.
The pond was a big highlight in their love story as you can see why.
It's where magic happens.
"Ellen again?" Taehyung asks with a smile as him and Yoongi chill out in Yoongi's and Hoseok's bedroom.
"Yeah. I want you to come," Yoongi says as he sits up watching Taehyung organize his shelf.
Taehyung's eyes widen, "Are you for real?"
"Of course."
Taehyung squeals and jumps around.
"I guess that means yes," Yoongi chuckles, moving his growing black hair out of his eyes.
Taehyung nods with a big smile, "Thousand times yes!"
he jumps on the bed and hugs Yoongi, "You're going to tell the world i'm your best friend, right?"
"Do i have to?"
"You hiding me from your side best friend or something?" Taehyung asks with a raised eyebrow.
Yoongi breaks into a smile before he sighs, "Look, I love my fans, i do, but some of them are crazy. Batshit crazy and will stalk you if I mention i know you," Yoongi explains as Taehyung sits down.
Taehyung frowns, "But.."
"They will hurt your feelings, kid."
Taehyung shrugs since he's probably right.
"But you know you're my bestest friend in the world," Yoongi says in a baby voice as he pulls Taehyung in a hug, pulling him down with him.
Taehyung giggles and hugs back, "I sure hope so, Min Yoongi."
"Oh, speaking of," Yoongi mumbles as lifts his hand in front of Taehyung's face, "I'm not going to be a Min anymore."
Taehyung screams.
Jungkook and Aloodra watched Hoseok and Jimin punch each other in the ring. Jungkook winces when Jimin gets his face.
"I thought they were friends," Aloodra says.
"They are. This is how they bond."
Hoseok finally puts his hands up, "Okay! okay, you win now stop hitting me!"

SINGULARITY // vminkook
Teen Fiction3rd book College. Growing up. Future. The three get through it together.