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Q: who's a dom that reads my book?


Taehyung and Toby clicked pretty fast. The two both loved to draw and were both in the arts program.

Toby even introduced Taehyung to his two friends, which made Taehyung shocked once again. His two friends were Chloey and Kyle.

Chloey was so pretty. She had curly hair in a sort of fro style, her dark skin littered with freckles, and her smile wide. Kyle was a cutie as well, his hair curly and his skin tan.

Taehyung got along with them well. The four all loving art. Taehyung was hanging out with them when his phone rings for Group FaceTime. Taehyung smiles and answers seeing his two boyfriends faces next to each other.

"Baby!" Jimin smiles, his voice loud over the phone. That makes Tae's friends look up.

"Who's that?" Toby asks, peering over the phone to see Jungkook and Jimin.

Jimin raises his eyebrows, "Who are you?"

Taehyung smiles, "These are my boyfriends!"

Suddenly Chloey and Kyle are pushing their way into the screen, "Oh wow!" Chloey smiles, "they are so cute!"

"I didn't know you were gay," Kyle says, looking at Taehyung who nods.

"Hey!" Jimin's voice says, "don't stare at my baby!"

"Jimin, would you stop?" Jungkook says, sighing.

"H-he's too close to the art."

Taehyung blushes and laughs, his friends making cooing noises.

Jungkook speaks up, "How's your second day, love?"

Taehyung looks up and pushes his friends away, "It's good. It's big."

"Bigger than me?"

Toby starts laughing as Jimin smirks in pride. Jungkook sighs.


Jimin frowns.

"Can you go somewhere private?" Jungkook asks.

Taehyung nods and waves to his friend that were sitting in the cafeteria and headed to his dorm.

"So how is yours going, Kookie?" Taehyung asks as he walks down the hallway.

Jungkook sighs and leans back against his headboard, "It's good."

"Taehyung, his roommate is almost as pretty as us. That's not okay," Jimin speaks up.

Taehyung unlocks his door and listens as Jungkook groans. "Jimin, please don't start."

"He totally wants you!"

"Not everyone is gay, Jimin," Jungkook sighs.

"He is."

Taehyung giggles and sits on his bed, "I mean, I guess it's not too bad to be jealous but being like that..."

"Taehyung, Seriously?"

Jungkook groans, "I'm so tired. Can we talk tomorrow? Not about this?"

Jimin frowns, "Fine. Have fun with your new boy."

Jimin hangs up, his face leaving the screen. Jungkook's face takes up the whole screen and he sighs, "Why is he way that he is?"

"Do you expect less?" Taehyung asks.


Taehyung smiles and Jungkook stares happily, "You look so cute," Jungkook says, "but I am tired."

"Then go to sleep."

"I was."

Taehyung blows a kiss and Jungkook smiles before telling him he loves him. Jungkook then hung up.

Taehyung sighs and lays his phone down, laying on the bed. He missed cuddling with his boyfriends. I mean, he could talk to them as much as he wanted, but he missed their touch. And it's only been two days.

Taehyung groans.


Jungkook wakes up from his phone ringing late in the night. Jungkook blinks and ignores the groan from across the room. Jungkook picks his phone up, not looking at the caller ID, "Hello?"

There's a sniffle and then a deep voice, "Jungkook."

Jungkook rubs his eyes as his eyebrows furrow. "Noah?"

"C-can we meet up?"

Jungkook gets out of bed, slipping a shirt on, "Uhh, Yeah. Where are you?"

"I'm actually in your college parking lot," Noah says, sniffling, "can you come out?"

"On my way."

Jungkook hangs up and slips his shoes on before walking out. Jungkook hasn't really ever heard Noah cry before. Noah has always been tough and happy.

Jungkook was worried someone died.

Jungkook got outside, spotting Noah's car. Jungkook walked to it and opened the passenger door, sitting inside.

Jungkook looked at Noah who had wet eyes.


"They left me," Noah says.

"What? Who? Why?" Jungkook asks, looking over Noah who closes his eyes.

"Jake and Ellie! They're gone! They left a note and flew to America," Noah says, hanging the crumpled note to Jungkook.

Jungkook opened and read over the note. All of it basically saying that Jake couldn't deal with all the arguments and Ellie couldn't let Jake go alone. And also how they never got to explore like they wanted. Jungkook frowned.


Noah just nodded.

Jungkook dropped the note and wrapped his arms around Noah. He cried in Jungkook's shoulder, gripping him tightly. Jungkook rubbed his back as he spoke, "You'll be okay. This is going to hurt for a while but it won't last. Okay? You will get through this."

Noah sniffles, "No."

"Yes. Just let it out now."

So, Noah let out all his anger and sadness as Jungkook hugged him tight.


Twitt: @ ddybbyb & @ taehyungbbyboy

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