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It was now Christmas Eve and we've had restless nights.  We had a show today in front of the SM building to raise money for charity.

As I get ready my mom bitches and complains about why I'm leaving and I should spend today with them.

"I'm sorry guys I can't" I say putting on my necklace that Johnny gave me. I've been wearing the necklace everyday since it was given to me.
I catch my mom staring at it. Which usually means she wants it.

"That's a nice necklace sweetie... Do you mind if I borrow it?"

"Yes I do mind mom. Johnny gave this to me for my birthday. You're not even touching it." I tell her.

"I don't exactly like that Johnny guy. He seems too old for you. I've always liked Felix. I can't believe you broke up with someone like him. It's hard to find someone like him"

"Mom. I don't care what you think. I love Johnny and I'm with him whether you like it or not. And Felix dumped me, not the other way around."

"Is that why you gave up your virginity to him?"

"Excuse me?" I look back.

"I saw that condom in your night stand. I taught you better than this"

"Not really! And this conversation is over. I'm leaving." I say walking out my room and slamming the door.

I say the whole bus ride pissed. Arms crossed and smug look on my face. Half the dorm heard the conversation between me and my mom so they knew the severity of the situation. But also meaning they also know Johnny and I did 18+ things.

When we get to the building the stylists get us dressed and in make up right before it was time for us to perform. They had me freezing in the middle of winter showing half my body to the world. I shiver as Ten comes behind me and gives me a blanket.

"You scratch my back I scratch yours" he says as he handing it to me.

"Thanks" I take it from him.

It was our turn to perform as SHINee came off the stage. Through the whole performance there were multiple time where I ALMOST forgot my lines since all I had on my mind was how rude and inconsiderate my mom was earlier. I also knew that since my mom had her eye on the necklace I had to keep it far from her. She'd take it even if u told her no.
Anyone else who didn't know what was happening in the dorms would dismiss my mistakes as a result of tiredness, but everyone else knew what was happening behind the scenes. The show was over and all SM artists came out to take a bow for the crowd. We raised a total of 1.3 million dollars to split in between 4 charities of the boss' choice.

That day we all came back exhausted, not wanting to do anything but we all know we had to do preparations for the next day. Me and Mark were especially tired since we had to perform for all sub-units. Not only that but my legs are so cold they can shatter at any given moment.

When coming in Kun, Taeyong, and Doyoung went straight to the kitchen to get preparations over with.

*The next morning*

The night before I slept on one end of the sofa, Jungwoo slept on the other and Johnny slept on the floor. I slept with the necklace on so my mom couldn't take i-

Where is it? It's gone.

Just as I'm about to barge upstairs and pretty much assault my own mother Haechan comes running downstairs.

"ITS CHRISTMAS!! EVERYONE WAKE UP!!" He screams from the top of his lungs. . Everyone came running down the stairs and sat around the tree. Mine and Johnny's parents were the last ones strolling behind. I glare at my mother the whole time.

"Morning darling" she smiles and I walk away.

I know she has it.

Everyone starts opening presents one by one, thanking the person that gave it to them.

"I didn't get you anything" Ten tells Haechan.

"Are you sure?" He pouts.

"Yes, now go away"  ten shooed.

"Ten~" I say giving him 'the look'

"Fine" he sighs pulling out the box he was hiding.

Who would ever think that I was the actual maknae?

I had  2 more boxes to open. One from my parents and one from my boyfriend. I decided to open the smaller one. Which was from Johnny. I open the wrapping and see a velvet like case. I open it to see the sun bracelet he had when he gave me my necklace. I was confused on why he was giving it to me.

"I thought it would be better if I gave it to you, since you're my sun, my moon and all my stars " he says.

"Awwww." Me and everyone else say in sync.

Soft hours open.

Looking at the bracelet made me glare at my mom again knowing she had the necklace.

I open the final box and find a watch. I gasp at the sight. That wasn't just any watch. This has been past on throughout my family, but the one problem is. It's only given to the child who gets a degree in medical practice.

"You're really giving this to me?" I ask

"Yup. It all yours." I thought she would end there but of course she didn't. ""I never thought you would be a stripper or whatever you do."

My blood was already boiling.

"I'm a dancer and you know it. The clothes are just the look the stylists have for me." I say through gritted teeth. Everyone started to slowly scoot away knowing I could explode at any moment.

"Same difference. But I always thought you would become a doctor and make us proud. Not doing whatever this is" she cuts me off

"I love what I do and I don't care if you don't" my ears start to heat up.

"I at least thought you would do it because you loved following after your sister."

"DO YOU WANT ME TO FOLLOW HER TO THE AFTERLIFE TOO? HUH? THIS IS EXACTLY WHY SHE KILLED HERSELF!" I burst getting up and walking off to my room. Everyone just sat quiet sipping their coffee or whatever they were drinking. Not knowing what to do.

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