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I get showered and dressed just dressing normally. Black skinny jeans with rips and zippers all over it. And an oversized long sleeve shirt.

"Y/n! Hurry up we're going to be late!"

"Coming!" I yell grabbing my phone and running down the stairs, and as soon as I reach the last step Johnny grabs my arm and pulls me to the car.

"What took you so long?"

"I couldn't find anything to wear."

"So, you took Jeno's clothes?"

"Oh, you noticed"

"Are you sure he'll be alright with that?" He asks

"I always do that it's fine." I reassure.

"Well you make it work better than he does." He admits.

*10 minutes later*

"We're here"

We pull up to a Cliff looking over the city with a blanket already set up with food.


"You like it?"

"Like it? I love it. What is this place?"

"It's the place I come to when I need to think. I thought it would be fun to take you here to watch the sunset."  He says rubbing the nape of his neck. "Come on let's eat" he drags me over to the blanket.

The sunset view over the city was spectacular and seeing it with Johnny made it 10x better.

"I think I know what my wish is now."

"What is it?"

"Never leave me."

"You didn't have to wish for that. I was never planning to." He says wrapping his arms around me. "How about you try something else."

"Fine what about the first dare you gave me. Call your mom and tell her we're dating."

"There's no need to call."

"What do you mean?" I ask genuinely confused

"I'm going to see her soon."

"Really? She's coming to Korea?"

"No. More like I'm going to Chicago." He corrected me

"You're leaving?"

"Only for 2 weeks"

"When are you leaving?"

"Next week."

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"I didn't know how. I'm sorry for not telling you sooner but I'll be back before your birthday. It's not like I'm going forever."

"Feels like it. What if you took me with you?"

"You know I can't do that just yet."

"And why is that?"

"I love her but the woman can't keep a secret for nothing. The whole world would find out 2 minutes later." Laughed. "Come on you're acting like I'm dying."

"Who am I supposed to hang out with while you're gone?" I complained.

"You have Laila and Jason."

"What about when they're not around?"

"You have 17 other people. You'll figure something out."

My attempt on nothing keeping him here and taking me with him had  failed. I would be alone for a two weeks. 😭

"Come on let's get going before it gets too late" he says and I agree knowing we have a flight to catch in the morning.

*The next day*

The bus had come to the pick us up that day. Yup the bus is back. No more car. Was great while it lasted. The managers won't even let us use their cat. I mean come on it's only two of us no need for the whole bus. I was caught up in my thoughts when I felt myself being tackled.

"Stop it"

"Stop what?" I ask genuinely confused.

"Thinking about me leaving"

How did he know. Mind reader?

"No. I can't read your mind, but I can read your face."

Liar! Mind reader!

"It's true I know you that well."

Let's see if you can read this; bitch I want food.

"You hungry? I brought snacks."


I gave him that 'bitch what the fuck look'. He knew everything I was thinking, but how? What kind of sorcery is this.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You sure you not a mind reader? You knew everything I was thinking."

"I'm not a mind reader but I am a y/n reader."

Once we got if the bus we were instantly crowded by fans. Actually more like, Johnny was crowded my fans, and I  was crowded with antis Security tried their best to keep them off but there were too many of them. I feel my arm being grabbed at one moment and I get dragged into the airport by Johnny. I guess he had enough of them.

"Did you lift your head?"

"No, why?

"No reason"

Johnny's POV

There was another sign that's why

Your POV

The rest of the way was easier. The fans had started a ribbon project to keep us safe from raging fans and in my case haters. Just have to get through a 3 hour flight and we're home safe.

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