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I wake up sprawled out Micheal Jordan logo style as always as a headache washes over me in an instant once the light hits me.

"Ughh. Who the hell let me drink?"

I lean over and take a pain reliever tablet out of my nightstand drawer and take it with the water I took out from my mini fridge.

I want death right now.

Suddenly the memories of last night came back to me. Including... Me kissing Johnny.

I walk into the hallway and speaking of the devil. I run into him in the hallway.

"Oh you're awake. I left the room once you fell asleep. Sorry."

"It's fine." I nervously say. "About last Night-"

"Oh that, listen we were drunk. It's easy to do something like that under alcoholic influence. So let's just move past this."

"Oh ok" I say slightly disappointed since I actually wanted to talk about it instead of putting it off like everything else.

"You should get ready. Practice in an hour." He breaks me from.my thoughts.

"Actually I'm not in an shape to go to practice today. Can you tell them I'll catch up next time?"

"Sure I guess. Did you take something for your headache yet?"

"Yeah... I'm going to head back to sleep. Wake me up when you guys get back."

We both go our separate ways. Him to practice and me back to bed. The one problem was that I couldn't sleep. I kept tossing and turning, not being able to get the image of what happened yesterday out of my head as it replays again and again. I subconsciously touch my lips.

Whyyyyy? Why did I have to be so drunk?

To pass the time since I couldn't sleep I invite Laila over.

"YOUR FAVORITE BITCH IS HERE!" she screams from downstairs.

"Keep your voice down." I wince.

"Oh right. My poor child got completely wasted last night. That'll teach you not to drink so much. What were you thinking lightweight." she said cradling my head

"Not everyone can drink a lot like you can."


"YOU DID WHAT? WITH WHO?" She exaggerates after I fill her in with what I remembered from last night.

"I. Kissed. Johnny."

"Ho-wh-you- I don't even know what to say. How'd it happen?"

"I guess I was a little too drunk, cause after he put me in my room I wouldn't let him leave until he kissed me. He did, but it was on my cheek, so I wouldn't let him leave until he did it on my lips. Why was I so drunk?!"

"Wow. You're something else."



"Then I made him lay down in my bed."

"Bitch you got me out here having a heart attack."

"I don't know what came over me."

"Does that mean you like him?"

"Whaaaat. Nooo. Of course not. He's one of my best friends."

"First of all, One of them? I should be the only one. Second, you like him I can hear it in your voice."

"I don't like him that way."

"Fine then look me in the eyes and tell me."
"I. Don't. Like. Him." I say trying to look her in the eyes but failing.

"I WAS RIGHT! Since when? When did you realize it?"

*Sigh* "The day Felix broke up with me. He was just...there. I noticed whenever I have a problem hes there comforting me. We have a lot in common. He's not bad looking, and he's really nice I guess."

"Sooo. When are you telling him?"

"Never. It'll be too awkward. We'll have to avoid each other afterwards."

"Not if he likes you too."

"I doubt it. He sees me as a little sister more than anything. And plus it's a whole 6 year age difference."

"And? Age ain't nothing but a number."

"That's what all perverts say. Yeah age ain't nothing but a number. It's also nothing but a jail sentence."

"How about this, if I notice Johnny doing anything that might seem like he likes you. Even in the slightest. I'll tell you, and you have to confess."


"Aish how did you ever even get Felix" she says face palming.

"Fuck off"

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