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Before it got to late we decided to get up and shower before the guys got home. When I finished getting dressed I go downstairs to grab my phone to see text messages from my mom.

Guess what dear

You're father and I are coming to Korea for Christmas

Of course it'll be hard to communicate. But you can translate for us right?


My parents have lived in New York all their lives. They're not too great in other environments.

At that moment Johnny cane running down the stairs panicking.

"I got bad news" he says.

"So do I"

"Mine is probably worse."

"I doubt that."

"My parents are coming for Christmas" he blurts out.

"So are mine" I gasp.

We both plop down on the sofa in and emotionaless panic. Our faces were straight but on the inside our minds were running crazy.

"Hey at least you get to meet them like you wanted."

"I just said that so you can stay here. Im not ready to meet your parents!" I storm into my room and i look shocked at what I see on my nightstand. "Johnny!" I call for him.

"Yes" he responds from the hallway.

"What is that?" I say pointing to what I was staring at as ye walks up behind me.

"It's a con...dom"

"Please tell me you brought two in here and that's the second one" I nervously ask. And he did was awkwardly laugh. "You dumbass!" I push him.

"I'm sorry okay. I was too into the moment."

"I swear if I come up pregnant I will kill you." I growl pushing him again.

"I'm really sorry. Forgive me" he says hugging me while I'm on the verge of tears.


I call Laila and ask her for a favor.

"Hey, Laila?"

"Yes my child."

"Can you do me a huge favor?" I ask nervously.

"Depends on what it is."

"Can you buy me a- a pregnancy test?" I stutter.

"Sure I can get you a- wait! A pregnancy test? That means you finally did it? You and Jo-"

"Shhhh. Please can you just do this for me. I can't go out and get one without the press finding out."

"I got you boo. But we're gonna have a talk once I get over there." She insisted

"Ugh fine."

*Ze magical time skip brought to you by Doyoung's sass*

By the time Laila gets here the guys have been home for about 20 minutes. And since I haven't come out my room once they were a little worried.

Laila walked into the house as if it was her own. Nothing new. And bathed into my room.

"Bitch spill the tea." She said being dramatic as always.

"Test first"

I go in the bathroom read the directions and do as it said. I come out and fill in Laila on some of the details, not everything of course. What happens in the bedroom will... mostly stay in the bedroom.

"Bitch, you finally lost your v card. I don't know ow whether to be proud or disappointed" she says.

"Shut up" I say standing up and going to check the test. The results appeared on the stick.

"The results say I'm......"

Gotta wait till next chapter muhahaha

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