The man with the bow

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The waterfall thundered down like lightning flashing the surrounding area in surprisingly different shades. Shadows danced among them while trees stood silently like armored bark sentinels. The sun sent an army of light down emphasizing the beauty of the otherworldly environment. Grass covered the land slick like fur. Each strand dripping heavily with water forming their own waterfall. Flowers were sprouting up in an amazing discord of colours to dazzle the senses. Mountains reached up to the sky seemingly trying to pluck and rival the sun. The homely smell of pine drifted in the air lingering gently like a charm. Birds twittered and gossiped in the tall trees. You were approaching the new S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters your hands were shaking and you were on edge "you're on a mission focus on the task" you said to yourself focusing on the building coming into view.

You were here to rescue your partner Bucky from S.H.I.E.L.D. Well at least that's what hydra had told you, but you knew you couldn't trust their sickly sweet lies. They had kidnapped you as a child and had kept you hidden from the world only releasing you for missions. Your task was simple all you had to do was go in and get Bucky hopefully unnoticed, then you could escape from hydra like you two had always planned.

You kept walking aimlessly towards S.H.I.E.L.D what you didn't know was that someone was following you. The mans eyes watched you like a hawk. He grabbed an arrow from out of his bag and aimed it at your head. You heard the arrow fire from behind you and was able to dodge it just in time. You looked around but couldn't see anything the hairs on the back of your neck stood on end and your eyes were darting from tree to tree. All of a sudden you saw another arrow fly towards you, and you dashed out of the way. You saw the man pulling the next arrow back ready to fire at you but before he could you had shot a beam of light from your hands at him. The action had knocked him out of the tree and he was lying on the ground whining in pain. You crept closer to the man ready to fire another beam when he kicked your legs sending you to the ground. He quickly got up pulling his bow back ready to attack "what are you doing here" he yelled out, you looked up at him and glared.


"Aaaah" you screamed flying out of bed.

You were panting and wide awake now. You looked around the room and saw that you where in Kamar-Taj."a memory" you said panting for air. "Whats up buttercup I'm sorry if I woke you". Someone said you turned to the sound of the noise and saw at a the foot of your bed was Clint in an oversized hoodie and grey sweatpants. You had been here for two years now learning how to use your powers after the incident with Clint. He had given you a choice either join S.H.I.E.L.D and become an agent or go back to hydra as a prisoner.

"Hey Clint what are you doing here" you answered back sleepily. "I'm here with Nat to bring you to stark tower" Clint said cheerfully at the other side of the room was the red head leaning against the wall eating a peach. "Wait take me to stark tower!" You screamed out. "What Clint means is, do you wanna join the avengers" Nat said while hitting clint in the back of the head. "I...don't know" you answered voice shaking. Clints face saddened and he hopped of your bed and towards the door. "If you change your mind you know where to find me" he said with a sad smile walking out the door with Nat.

As soon as you left you dashed to one of your best friends in Kamar-Taj Stephen. "Strange I need your help!" You cried out bursting into the library. Many of the other people gave you glares and was screaming at you to be quiet but you didn't care you just needed to find Strange. "(Y/n) over here" in the corner of the room surrounded by stacks of books sat Strange. "Hey how are you, it's a nice day isn't it" you said. "It's alright I guess" he replied. "Well Clint and Nat came today" you said while staring at Strange who still had his nose in his book. "They wanted me to become an avenger" the second you said that strange's eyes were wide open and was gaping at you. "And...." he said all of his attention on you. "I don't... i don't know" you said tears forming in your eyes "take it" he said nose back in his book. "What! You want me to be an avenger!" You said eyes wide. "What's wrong there is really no downside if you think about it. You have successfully learnt how to control your powers and lots of people are wanting you to be an avenger". "Well I still don't know" you said looking away from him. "Well another plus would be you get to see Nat and Clint more often" he looked up at you waiting for an answer. "Fine I'll take it"

Clint came running down the hall towards the rest of the avengers messy brown hair splattered across his face. "Guess what guys" Clint said with a giant smile on his face. "What is it katniss" tony said smirking. "She's agreed to join" Nat jumped up and ran towards Clint "really I didn't think she would" Nat said. "Who did you think wouldn't join" Thor said coming in to the room with poptarts stuffed in his face. " The new avenger Her name is (y/n) (l/n) and she's going to be joining the avengers. "Yay another pathetic mortal" said loki sarcastically. "Sir the newest avenger is here" Friday said. "Let her in" Tony replied.

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