The battle

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You, tony and Steve landed back in the compound the other avengers were all waiting for you except Nat and nebula. "Where's Nat" you called out handing the scepter to Bruce. "She didn't make it" you turned your head to look at Clint he looked broken. He refused to lift his head and look at anyone tears were streaming down his face and his cheeks were puffy. Thor leaped out of his chair. "We can bring her back right" Thor said. "We can't bring her back." Clint said more tears were streaming down his face.  "I'm sorry, no offence, but you're a very earthly being, okay, and we're talking about space magic. It can seem very difficult..." "Yeah, look, I know I'm way outside my pay rate here, but she's still dead, isn't she? It can't be undone! Or, at least that's what the red floating guy had to say! Maybe you ought to go talk to him! Okay, go grab your hammer, and you find and talk to him! It was supposed to be me. Sacrificed her life for that goddamned stone, she put her life on it. " Clint spat out.

I ran out side after my conversation with Thor I was mad at myself for letting Nat sacrifice herself. "It should of been me" I whispered to myself. I heard foot steps coming closer to me but didn't move "hey clint you alright "y/n asked. "I don't know I said letting out a longer side. "We'll get her back" "I don't think you can" Clint said hiding his face so you wouldn't see the tears. "Hey guys were ready" Steve said emerging through the door. You nodded grabbing Clint's hand and squeezing it tightly.

Everyone was gathered in the labs the new gauntlet had been made and everyone was deciding who it should be. "Look, sitting there staring at that going is not going to bring everybody back. I'm the strongest avenger, okay, so this responsibility falls upon me. It's my duty." Thor said "No, no, listen..." tony said "Let me! Let me do it. Let me do something good, something right." Thor said reaching for the gauntlet. "No, it's not just the fact that that glove's channeling enough energy to char a continent. I'm telling you, you're in no condition to." Tony said again trying to get through to Thor. All the avengers were arguing now on who should wield the gauntlet. "Do you know what is coursing through my veins right now?" Thor said pointing to tony "Cheez Whiz?" Rhode responded back. You let out a small laugh hoping no one heard. "I'll do it" you looked up seeing hulk edging towards the gauntlet. Everyone silently agreed hulk slipped the gauntlet on then looked around nervously. Tony slowly nodded bulked snapped his fingers burning one side of his arm off the group crowded around helping him repair his arm. When hulk was finally healed you heard Scott yelling in another room about everyone being back you were about to go see when an explosion went off

You looked around not seeing any of your team mates. Using your powers you blew off the rubble that was on top of you. "Guys is anyone there" you screamed out trying to understand what just happened. "We're good" said Steve into your intercoms you heard your other teammates confirm were they were and you let out a sigh of relief. You saw a group of chitauri coming towards you using your powers you blasted them away "y/n we need cover" said Steve through the intercom you run towards tony Steve and Thor "what's the plan cap" you said. Steve pointed towards Thanos "you know what to do" Steve said patting your shoulder you nodded creating cover so they could get to Thanos. While you were creating a cover for the others a chitauri hit you creating a big gash in your leg. You fell to the floor cowering in pain. The chitauri put a sword towards your neck before it could attack, thousands of lights lit up the sky distracting the chitauri and allowing you to kill it. You saw your friends come through the portal tears spilling down your cheek. The hero's who just came through the portal began fighting at your side. In the distance you could see strange struggling to fight off a group of chitauri. You run up to help him using your powers to fend of the aliens. Strange suddenly stopped and put up one finger you looked to were he was looking and saw tony and grim smile on his face.

I knew what strange meant I had to get the gauntlet y/n was looking at me with a confused expression on her face. It would've been cute if I hadn't known what was about to happen. I rushed up to her squeezing her into a tight hug "I love you" tony said squeezing her tighter "I love you too tony but theirs a fight going on" "I know and I love you" he said crushing his lips against yours. His eyes staring into yours trying to memorise every detail about you. His eyes shift focus onto the gauntlet in carols hand putting his mask back on and hugging you one last time. He suddenly flew off the gauntlet was knocked out of carols hand and Thanos was rushing towards it. Thanos grabbed the gauntlet and slid it onto his hand " I am... inevitable." He said snapping his fingers. Nothing happened. He snapped his fingers again but nothing changes. Thanos looks down and realises the stones are gone looking towards tony he sees the stones." And I... am... Iron Man!" Tony says snapping his fingers Thanos slowly turns to dust along with the rest of the chitauri. Tony slowly slid to the ground peter was the first to get to tony "Mr. Stark. Hey, Mr. Stark?" Peter started chocking up. "Can you hear me? It's Peter. Hey... we won. Mr. Stark. We won, Mr. Stark. We won, you did it, sir, you did it." Peter was now full on crying "I'm sorry, Tony" peter said slowly away from tony. Rhode was the next to arrive he was crying and couldn't even look at tony. You were the las5 to arrive tony looked lifeless but you could still hear a heartbeat. "Tony, look at me." You said he slowly moved his head towards you "We're gonna be okay. You can rest now." His ark reactor slowly flickered off. The rest of the avengers were now crowded around tony they all slowly stated dropping to their knees as sign of respect. Tears were now spilling freely from your eyes. 

"Bye Tony"

Next chapter is the last chapter and most of you voted for tony to live so stay tuned. If you would like this to end in angsts you can stop reading here. Remember to like the story and comment.

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