Magic and mischief

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I had organised a game night with the rest of the avengers to introduce the newest avenger. I was excited and was planning to show her how cool I was. (Y/n) stepped out of the elevator her (h/c) hair flowing behind her. Eyes twinkling with excitement and a smile plastered onto her face. "Hey (y/n) how are you" you looked over at tony and turned back into the elevator quickly closing the door behind you. "That was weird" tony said turning around and continuing with  working on setting up game night.

I quickly made my way out of the elevator and back towards my room. I was determined to not have to talk to tony at all. When you got to your room you picked up your phone and dialled your best friends number. "Hey stranger danger" you said giggling into the phone "it's just strange" said Stephan from the other side. "Ok strange" you replied back "how's life" you replied. "Life's good but i know that's not what you wanted to ask so spill". "Well everything's going great at the tower clint and Nat are awesome to hang out with, Bruce always tells me lame science puns, Thor always gives me one of his poptarts and I've been teaching Wanda how to use her powers. Visions also great he helps me and Steve out with the technology and stuff and I've gotten to see Bucky again hell even loki tolerates me". "But" he said knowing that something was wrong "it's stark he hates me" you said sighing into the phone. "I'm sure he doesn't hate you" said strange "he ignores me and refuses to look at me. "Ok maybe he does hate you" you hear shuffling on the other side of the phone "sorry (y/n) Wong needs me" "ok bye" you said hunging up the phone.

I was walking down the corridors looking for something to do when I saw the newest avenger. "Well, well, well what are you doing here all alone" i said opening the door to your room. "Well last I checked this was my room so scram" she said burying her face into the pillow. "I was right, mortals are pathetic" I said turning around "ha says The guy who lost to a bunch of pathetic mortals" (y/n) said. I looked at her in shock "you dare talk back to a god!" You screamed at her "you dare talk back to me I can whoop your ass in five seconds come on let's fight" you said jumping of the bed walking towards Loki. "Maybe you aren't a pathetic mortal" loki said walking away. She was about to close the door when I decided to call out "you coming" . She got off he bed and followed loki across the hall to his room she walked in and saw that my room was full of green and gold. "So why did you allow me into your room" you said skeptically. I shrugged "your the only one I can tolerate". The rest of the night you and Loki talked about everything about how you joined S.H.I.E.L.D and how you later became a master of the mystic arts and then became an avenger in return he told you about being a frost giant and how he was lied to most of his life and that he didn't have many friends. After that you and Loki both instantly became best friends.

After that night if you weren't with Clint or Nat you were definitely with Loki. Wanda became closer to you and also met Loki making you three the magical trio or at least that was what Clint had called you. "Loki can we see your frost giant form" Wanda said looking up at Loki you were currently in Wandas room with her clothes thrown all over the place much to lokis dislike. "No" he said glaring at the two of you "come on please"  "ok since you asked so sweetly" he said a small smile on his face "really" you and Wanda said jumping up and down in excitement. "No" he said "oh come on please " you begged "no" he said again "I'll kneel for you" Wanda said getting into a fit of giggles. At that moment the door fell down revealing a guilty looking Tony and an angry looking Natasha.  "He was eaves dropping" Natasha said pushing him into the room. A red glow was forming in Wandas hand and Loki was pulling a knife out from behind his back your hands started to glow like stars. Tony gulped but not because he was scared it was because you looked badass with your hands glowing whitish gold and a threatening look in your eyes yep, he was screwed.

I looked around the room Wanda was ready to strike while loki smirked at me. Loki had heard me talking with Bucky about  (y/n). I knew that (y/n) had once been captured by hydra and was close to the winter soldier so I had asked bucky about her. needless to say Loki worked out that I had a crush on her and told bucky. Bucky was very protective of you and threatened tony that if he ever hurt you that his parents wouldn't be the only stark he'd be killing. Loki smirk grew even bigger "explain" you ordered him. He sighed "I love you (y/n) and I have since the moment I saw you from your sparkling eyes to your (h/c) hair and your beautiful smile and I hate that I didn't say this before and I know I'm an idiot because of that" well that's what he wanted to say instead he said " I couldn't tell you that your an idiot that sparkles and your eyes and your hair I hate you" he said pointing to you. You ran out of the room tears in your eyes "why the hell would you say that" Wanda said throwing a pot plant at my head. Loki was laughing his head of like an idiot "well that's one way to confess to someone" Loki said picking up the pieces of the broken vase. "What!" Wanda said looking between the two boys "he has a crush on (y/n) Loki said. Wanda shook her head "you're an idiot stark".

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