Five years later

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Tony was walking across the grass of the cabin orange slices in his hand and a smile on his face. Next to him was a little tent and a tiny stool stood next to it. "Hey can I come in" tony said morgan popped her little head out fake blasters on her hand and the rescue helmet on her head. Rescue equals peppers suit

"Morgan how did you get that" tony said looking at his beautiful daughter. "I found it" tony raised an eyebrow "so you weren't looking for it. Morgan shook her head a guilty look on her face. "Come on let's get you inside" tony said picking up Morgan. 

You stood in the kitchen chopping carrots for dinner with a bright smile on your face. "Mommy" Morgan said running up and hugging you. You lifted her up into your arms and spun her around "what have you been up to little missy" you said tickling her. She let out a series of giggles. At that moment you heard a knock on the door It was odd seeming you weren't expecting anyone. "dear can you get the door" you said to tony. Tony nodded taking Morgan out of your hands "come on baby let's go see who's at the door" tony said to Morgan playfully. You finished chopping the carrots and washed your hands and peaked through the window to see who was outside. Standing on yours and Tony's porch was Nat, Steve and Scott Lang you rushed up to Nat  squeezing her into a hug "I missed you" you whispered to her. She let out a small  smile before saying "we need your help" 

I was pissed they come after all these years saying they need our help with some time travel stuff. It was impossible y/n was looking quizzically at everyone trying to figure out what was going on. "They need my help with time travel" I said looking at you. "Time travel" you whispered under you breath "but that's impossible" you said looking around at everyone's face. "I was able to do it" Scott spoke up. "Quantum fluctuation messes with the Planck's scale, which then triggers the Doidge proposition. Can we agree on that? In layman's terms, it means, you are not coming home if we do do this" tony said exasperatedly. " but I did" Scott said." No, you accidentally survived. It's an billion-in-one cosmic fluke. Now you want to pull out... what you call it?" Tony snapped back.  "A time heist" Steve said "Yeah, a time heist. Of course. Why didn't I think of this before? Oh, because it's laughable, 'cos it's pipe dream". "The stones are in the past. We could go back, we could get them" Steve said grabbing onto Tony's arm. "We can snap our own fingers. We can bring everybody back" Nat added "Or screw up worse than he already has, right" everyone looked away. "I don't believe we would" Steve tried to argue. "Got to say that sometimes you miss that giddy optimism. However, high hopes won't help, if there is no logical, tangible way for me to safely execute the said, time heist. I believe the most likely outcome would be our collective demise". "Not if we strictly follow the rules of time travel. I mean, no talking to our past-selves, no betting on sporting events..." Scott said arguing his  case. "I'm going to stop you right there, Scott. Are you seriously telling me that your plan to save the universe is based on, 'back to future?'" You said looking at Scott quizzically. "No" he said hesitantly. "Good, you got me worried there. 'cos that would be horse shit. That's not how Quantum Physics works" tony said turning around to leave. "Tony, we have to take a stand" Steve said. "We did stand and yet here we are" tony yelled back. "I know you got a lot on the line. Your wife, your daughter. But I lost someone very important to me. A lot of people dead and now, now... we have a chance to bring her back, bring everyone back and you're telling me..." you saw that hit a nerve in tony. "..leave it. I can't" he said tears filling his eyes.

At that moment Morgan run through the door and jumped into Tony's arm. "Excuse me cap but I've got a family to get back to" tony said taking Morgan inside. You turned towards the door before stopping "don't be a stranger come around some time" you said opening the door "please y/n" Steve said grabbbing your hand. You yanked it away before heading inside.

Later that night

Tony was tossing and turning in bed thoughts of what if running through his head. He finally got up and headed towards the living room. "Friday I need you help, what do you know about the time loop" tony said messing around with his ai throwing things around on the hologram and adding new parts to his diagram. "Wait" tony said looking at his diagram "I've done it" tony says sitting down in disbelief "shit" he says joyfully. "shit" someone says behind tony. Tony turns around looking at his daughter sitting at the bottom of the steps. "What are you doing up, little miss?" Tony says. Morgan has a giant smile on her face "Shit" she repeats. "No, we don't say that. Only mommy says that. She coined it, it belongs to her" tony says. "Why are you up?" Morgan says tilting her head, "Cause I got very important sh*t going on here, what do you think? No. I got, I got something on my mind." Tony says looking back at his hologram. "I got, I got something on my mind" tony repeats sadly. "Was it juice pops?" Morgan says "Sure it was. That's extortion, that's the word. What kind do you want? Great minds think alike. Juice pops, exactly what was on my mind" Tony's says getting up and heading to the fridge stopping at the picture of him and peter.

After tony and Morgan had finished their juice pops he took Morgan's hand and lead her to bed. "Tell me a story" Morgan said "once upon a time their was a little girl who went to sleep the end" tony said turning on the night light "that was a bad story" Morgan said pouting, "well it's the only story I have" tony said kissing Morgan on the head. "I love you a ton" tony said lovingly "I love you three thousand" Moran replied back.

You woke up alone in bed looking around for tony you saw that your bedroom door was open and decided to head downstairs. Tony holding the picture of him and peter in his hands "We got really lucky" tony says "Yeah, I know a lot of people didn't" you reply back. "I can't help everybody" Tony says glumly "It sort of seems like you can" you say cuddling into his chest. "Not if I stop. I can put a pin in it right now... and stop" tony says back sadly. "Tony, trying to get you to stop has been one of the few failures of my entire life" you say back.

A/n Remember to vote for the story

I'm also either going to end the story with tony dying or living happily with you comment which one you want

Tony dies 


Tony lives

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