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     "Tikki, spots off!"

     Marinette lands in her bedroom, and catches Tikki in her hands. She grabs a cookie out of her purse, and hands it to her kwami.

     "That was really considerate of Cat Noir," Tikki says as she munches on the cookie.

     "Yeah, it was," Marinette says, a bittersweet smile on her face.

     "You okay?" Tikki asks.

     "I'm not sure," Marinette says. "But I do feel a little better." Her smile widens as she recalls her conversation with Cat Noir. She noticed something with him tonight that she has never noticed before. When she hugged him, even though it was quick, she actually felt something. Something small, a tiny spark, but it still was something.

     But then she remembers Adrien. He may be in love with someone else, but she is still in love with him. Those kinds of feelings aren't something she can just toss away. Her smile fades, and she begins to get ready for bed.

     "Goodnight Tikki," she says, burying herself under her covers. "Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day..."

Cat Noir sneaks back into his room, and transforms back. He gives Plagg some cheese to recharge him, and then plops down on his bed, his mind still reeling.

     He still can't believe it. All this time, Ladybug has been Marinette! He knew he felt something when he was around Marinette, but it wasn't because he was falling for two people... It was because they are the same person! He can't believe that he broke the heart of the girl he is in love with, and had no idea. He has to do something about this, and quickly!

     But what?

The next morning, Marinette gets ready for school and heads out the door. She isn't looking forward to seeing anyone there –especially Adrien– but she still has to go.

     "Marinette!" Alya says upon seeing her best friend, immediately giving her a hug. "I was so worried when you didn't come back yesterday! Is everything okay? What happened?"

     The events of the day before resurface in Marinette's mind, and her eyes begin to grow misty. "I told Adrien how I feel, but... he's in love with someone else," she says.

     Alya stares blankly for a moment, but then squeezes Marinette tighter. "I am so sorry girl," she says. "But you know what? I'm super proud of you. You did the right thing." She finally releases Marinette.

     "Did I?" Marinette asks. "Because my heart feels like it could stop beating at any moment."

     "That's not going to happen," Alya says. "Now come on, let's forget all about this for the day and focus on school."

     The two friends enter the classroom, and sit down in their normal seats. Before long, Adrien and Chloe walk in, her arm linked around his and an uncomfortable expression on his face. He sits down in his usual seat in front of Marinette, but Chloe sits down next to him, forcing Nino to sit beside Sabrina.

     Adrien pulls himself from Chloe's grasp, and spins around to face Marinette. "Listen, about yesterday..."

     Marinette can barely look at him. "Please, just don't say anything," she says sadly.

     But I really need to talk with you," he says. He notices Chloe glaring at him, but he ignores her. "Just meet with me after school. Please."

     Marinette thinks about it for a moment, but then Mrs. Bustier begins the class. Reluctantly, she nods at him, and spends the entire day wondering what in the world he could possibly have to say.

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