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Alya drags Marinette all the way to the Agreste mansion.

     "Wait, what are we doing here?" Marinette asks, beginning to panic. "Gabriel Agreste knows who I am! He isn't going to let me just waltz into his house."

     But Alya doesn't respond. She pushes the doorbell, causing Marinette to gasp. A camera pops out, pointing at Alya. Instinctively, Marinette darts behind the nearest bush.

     "Who are you?" Nathalie's voice asks through the speaker.

     "Hi, I'm Alya," she replies. "I would like to speak to Mr. Agreste, please."

     "What are you doing?" Marinette whispers from behind the bush, but Alya continues to ignore her.

     "I'm sorry, but Mr. Agreste is busy."

     "Can you tell him it's important?" Alya asks.

     Nathalie sighs, obviously growing impatient. "Mr. Agreste asks that no one bother him right now."

     "Okay then..." Alya says. "Well, maybe I could speak to Adrien?"

     Marinette's eyes grow wide, but she continues to hide behind the bush.

     "Adrien is not allowed to speak with any friends right now," Nathalie says.

     "But I'm not on a social call," Alya says. "This is a business proposition."

     Nathalie is silent for a long time, before finally replying, "Fine, come in." She opens the gate, and Alya enters through. Unsure what else to do, Marinette sneaks in behind her best friend, unseen by the camera.

     "Right this way," Nathalie says, gesturing for Alya to enter through the large double doors and follow her. "Please close the doors behind you."

     Alya does so, but makes sure to leave one of the doors slightly ajar. Once her and Nathalie are quite a few feet inside the house, Marinette slides in and quietly closes the door the rest of the way. She tiptoes behind, occasionally hiding behind a shelf or decorative vase to remain unseen.

     Marinette follows all the way up to Adrien's bedroom door, where she hides behind a bust. Nathalie knocks on the door, and announces to Adrien, "You have company. But it's for your business, so make it quick."

     Adrien reluctantly opens the door, but his eyes brighten slightly when he sees Alya. "Um... Okay Nathalie, thanks."

     Nathalie watches suspiciously for a few seconds, and then heads back downstairs.

     "What are you doing here?" Adrien asks Alya, making sure that Nathalie is out of earshot.

     "Don't mind me," Alya replies. "I'm just the delivery girl."

     Adrien appears confused, until he sees Marinette come out of the shadows. She waves at him, a sweet smile on her face.

     "Marinette!" Adrien says, a little louder than he meant. He glances around to make sure Nathalie didn't hear, then pulls both the girls into his room and closes the door behind him.

     "I'm so glad you came," he says, giving Marinette a tight hug. "How did you get in here?"

     "It was all Alya," Marinette replies, gesturing towards her best friend.

     "Oh, it was nothing!" Alya says. "Anything to get you two crazy lovebirds together."

     Marinette and Adrien both smile at each other, holding hands. Alya rolls her eyes, but smiles too. Suddenly, the three of them hear steps stomping towards them. Before they can do anything about it, Gabriel Agreste throws the door open and bursts into the room.

     "Get out!" He shouts at the girls.

     "Father, you can't do this!" Adrien says.

     "This is my house, and you are my son. I can do whatever I please!" Gabriel replies. He then turns back to the girls and repeats even louder than before, "Get out!"

     Marinette looks at Adrien sadly, and reluctantly lets go of his hand. Then she and Alya rush past Gabriel, and dash out of the house.

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