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That evening, Marinette and Adrien hang out together at the Agreste mansion under Nathalie's supervision. They watch movies, play video games, and just enjoy each other's company. But finally, Nathalie tells Marinette it's time for her to go.

     "It's getting late," she says. "Adrien must get ready for his trip tomorrow."

     The two of them sigh, and turn to face each other. "I love you, Marinette," Adrien says. "I promise that I will keep in contact with you as much as possible, no matter where I end up."

     "You better," she says, trying to tease but still choking up at the end.

     Adrien can't bear to see her like this, and she can't bear to see him leave. Not caring that Nathalie is still watching, they share a long, sweet kiss, unsure of when they'll be able to do it again.

     After the kiss, Marinette whispers in Adrien's ear, "Be sure to tell Plagg goodbye for me."

     Adrien smiles, a bittersweet expression in his eyes. "Tell Tikki the same," he whispers back.

     Nathalie escorts Marinette to the door, with Adrien trailing behind. But just as Marinette is about to leave, a car pulls up in the driveway: A fancy, unfamiliar car.

     "Who is that?" Adrien asks Nathalie, but she just shrugs.

     A tall, handsome young man gets out of the driver's seat of the car. He has blonde hair the same shade as Adrien's, and he is wearing a nice suit with a sweater vest and tie.

     "Are you Nathalie?" He asks, addressing her. He doesn't smile, but his voice is kind.

     "Yes," she replies hesitantly. "Who are you?"

     "My name is Felix. Felix Agreste," he says. "I am the eldest son of Gabriel Agreste."

     Both Adrien and Marinette's mouths drop open. "What?" Adrien says, shocked.

     Felix turns to him, and kneels down to his level. "I'm assuming you are Adrien?" He asks.

     Adrien nods. "Yeah, but my father never mentioned me having a brother."

     "He wouldn't," Felix says, shaking his head. "Technically, I'm your half brother."

     "What are you doing here?" Nathalie asks calmly.

     Adrien stares at Nathalie. "Wait, you knew about him?" He asks.

     Nathalie doesn't respond.

     "What do you think I'm doing here?" Felix says. "I'm here to get custody of my little brother."

     Adrien gasps, and Marinette smiles. "Does that mean Adrien doesn't have to go into the foster system?"

     Felix turns his attention to Marinette for the first time. "I suppose, if I win custody," he replies. He observes her for a moment before adding, "Who are you?"

     Adrien puts his arm around Marinette's shoulders. "This is my girlfriend, Marinette," he replies.

     Felix finally smiles (or at least, half smiles) and kisses Marinette's hand. "It's nice to meet you, Marinette," he says as she blushes.

     "Yep, he's definitely your brother," Marinette laughs, elbowing Adrien playfully.

     Felix stands back up, and faces Nathalie once again. "So, may I come in?"

     "I don't think that's a good idea," Nathalie says.

     Felix folds his arms. "I'm serious about this," he says. "With my father missing, there is no one to look after Adrien. I know it may not be fair for me to suddenly come waltzing into his life unannounced like this, but my not being a part of his life was not by choice. With Gabriel gone, I can finally get to know my little brother." He turns back to Adrien. "That is, if you want me to."

     Adrien considers this. He is still reeling after the discovery that his father is Hawkmoth, and that after the realization he just disappeared without a trace, and now suddenly he has an older brother? It's a lot for him to process, but finally he smiles. "Of course I do," he says. "I just found out I have a big brother! How awesome is that?"

     Felix half-smiles again, and turns back to Nathalie. "I believe you and I have some paperwork to do," he says.

     Nathalie sighs, and reluctantly lets Felix in. Adrien and Marinette stay outside, and watch them disappear inside the house.

     "So, it looks like you'll be staying after all," Marinette says, holding Adrien's hand.

     "I told you, you can't get rid of this cat that easily," Adrien says with a wink. "I would be paws-itively miserable without you!"

     "You'd be a cat-astrophe!" Marinette laughs.

     Adrien smiles, and holds Marinette close. The two of them stare at the beautiful lights of the city as their kwamis come out and rest on their shoulders.

     "We'll continue to keep Paris safe," Adrien says. "Together."

     "As a team," Marinette adds. "Unstoppable!"

     And unstoppable is what they continued to be.

     Unstoppable, and miraculous.


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