Chapter Eight

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We were finally back home from tour and I was relieved. It's been three weeks since I've heard from Satin and I was pretty pissed about it. I knew she was alright. I had Coolie updating me on her. He would tell me if he saw any apparent changes like her car moved or lights on and off. She was ok. She just wasn't talking to me.

It was 2:45 on a Monday and I was curious as to why her car was here. She doesn't get out of school until 3:50. I just knew she wasn't skipping again.

" What the hell is she doing home bruh? " Ski mumbled to himself as he sat his suitcase down. I did the same and followed him towards her room. Before I made it in her room good I could see her looking at us through the crack of her closet as if she was hiding or something. When she saw it was us she cracked it open and stepped out. Her hand was behind her back as she inched towards her dresser.

" What the fuck are you doing home this early Stainz? Have you even been to school since we left? Yo if you got truancy I swear to Go- Is that a gun? " he asked her seeing her try to slip it into her drawer undetected. She didn't say anything, just looked at us bored. She shrugged her shoulders as she sat on on her bed with a bothered expression on her face. She wouldn't really look at us which was scary especially for me. She loved looking at my hideous ass. You would think after three weeks she would be a little happy to see the only people she knew.

" What do you have a gun for Satin? " I asked already knowing that's what it was. I'm just realizing I haven't heard her voice since the tour started and I missed it like crazy. She didn't say anything so Ski did after looking around her room.

" Yo did you kill somebody?! " Ski asked pointing at a small drop of dried up blood on her floor. He started to panic like a dumbass while me and Satin looked at him as such. I knew she didn't kill anybody but I did wonder where the blood came from.

As Ski was rambling about her murdering somebody I was stooped down on the floor examining the blood. It was hers. I could tell from how dark it was. The same dark red hue I remember from when we did our blood bond. I was so amazed at how deep her blood was being that I had never seen any that rich before. I looked up at her as she watched me with duller eyes than usual. My face hardened before I grabbed the front of Ski's shirt to stop him from pacing back and forth.

" Did somebody do something to you? " I asked her making Ski look at me confused. She just stared at me for a while before dropping her head and breathing out lowly. I nodded my head slowly with my tongue stabbing my cheek. I turned to walk out gesturing for Ski to follow me. We headed down to the studio and I sat on the panels with my arms folded and my eyes down.

" Somebody did something to her while we were gone and I wanna know who. " I said pissed. I knew we should've brought her along but then again I didn't know something would happen to her while we were gone. It was burning me up knowing that her protectors weren't here to do that.

" Did she say that? " Ski asked stupidly. I felt my soul about to slap him. I didn't think she had to say it, her body language said it all.

" Nigga she was hiding in the closet with a gun when we came in. That was her blood on the floor and we ain't heard from her since the beginning of the fucking tour! " I said getting even more upset. It was so crazy because the whole time we were away I could feel that something was wrong but I tried to ignore it for the sake of the shows and just for the simple fact that I was probably just paranoid.

" I don't know. If something happened to her she would tell us. " Ski said nervously as if he didn't want to hear that anything bad happened to his little sister. I wouldn't want to either but if something did he should know.

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