Chapter Twenty One

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" Jah scoot the fuck over. " Satin mumbled trying to push me further away from her. We were in the backseat of Stokes car and for the most part in the same seat. Although she nudged me with great force I didn't budge.

" So you're not gonna miss me on your first day of school? " I cooed with puppy dog eyes and my bottom lip poked out. Satin finally decided to go to school after a week of being stubborn and trying to protest about it. I was glad too because I was getting tired of her trying to bribe me and Ski to let her dropout.

" No, I might just ditch school and run away now that I think about it. " she smiled looking out her window and I honestly couldn't tell if she was kidding or not. I sucked my teeth and made her look at me.

" I'm not playing with you Stainz, go to school and finish this shit out so you won't have to worry about running away and shit. " I said making sure to let her know there wasn't an once of playfulness in my words. It was like I wanted her to finish school so bad it would burn me up inside when she would mention dropping out or not going. Her being with me already dampened her image and I definitely didn't want her not having a diploma on the list of things Satin failed to do. I wouldn't allow it.

" Can you let me go baby, I'm just playing. " she said with smushed cheeks. I pecked her lips and let her go, scooting over some.

" Cut that sweet shit out, my car runs off negativity and bad vibes. " Stokeley said pulling into Pompano Beach High School. The student drop off area was packed with students waiting for their first bell to ring. I looked over at Satin as she scanned through the crowd of loud, energized teens. She sighed lowly and I started to feel bad for a little. She wanted to stay where she was comfortable but it didn't make sense for her to still go to school in Broward.

" Stay to yourself and don't bully none of these kids and you'll be alright. " Ski said looking at her as she glared back at him with a pissed off expression through the rear view mirror.

" I'd be alright if I was in a school I was familiar with with people I'm familiar with. " she mumbled lowly before getting out and slamming the door, her bag bouncing off her hip.

I rolled the window down and whistled at her. She turned around and flipped me off as she continued to try and walk inside.

" Satin! " I yelled out with knitted brows, making her stop abruptly and turn around to look at me obviously annoyed. " Come here! "

She came back clearly wishing we would just go and let her get through her first day. " What? "

I leaned out the window some before grabbing her by the collar of her hoodie and bringing her face to mine for a kiss that almost lead into a full blown make out session.

I let her go and she stood there with a small smile on her face.

" Bye bye. " I said rolling the window up as Stokes pulled off and she waved a small wave.


Coming back to reality I felt embarrassed as I turned around to see all eyes on me. The feeling didn't stay long being it was replaced with annoyance. I could tell I wouldn't like this judgy ass school or these nosey ass students. I had mentally prepared myself for at least one fight sometime this week. Although I didn't want to start off my first week being negative I just couldn't help it. This was probably one of the worst decisions my brother could have ever made for me.

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