Scene 7- Why?

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*You were rushing your way to the third floor of the office building. Holding all the papers that Jordan asked you to get from the printing office. You caught a glimps of the paper, there were several plane tickets and there was the Nintendo logo... Tokyo, Japan, eh?*

*It was 5:45, you like to be a little early, as you walk into the office, you seen Jordan watching Netflix in the break room. Dan was in the conference room getting things set up. I hear a light russle coming from Sly's office. James begins to walk out with a box full of office supplies and pokemon cards.*

You: What's going on?

*I was confused for a moment.*

Jordan: Sly has decided to retire from the group. We completely understand and we support his reason to. His family, is going through a lot at this point, they need him more than ever.

*You were beginning to really like Sly. He was a chill and funny guy, at least you know you'll never forget him as an individual. Jordan stood there, looking at you, then looked to his left, seeing Sly walk out of the room. Sly look kind of sad leaving, he didn't show it through expression, it was his eyes. He walked into the room with a big smile, but the eyes told a completely different story.*

Sly: Hey ______. Sorry that I didn't tell you before, but this guy is going to Florida. 

You: I think your doing a good thing, Eddie. Tell you mom I said hi.

Sly: I will, _______. 

*He hugs you for a moment, then slowly lets go.-

Sly: Keep in touch with me guys.

*Sly begins to walk outside, with his suitcase, and a small box.*

Aleks: I hate that he has to go, but I'll have to live without him here. He better keep in touch with me.

*Jordan nodded and heads back into the conference room with Dan, Aleks and Seamus follows him. You look over you shoulder, James comes up to you, seeing the arms full of papers and folders.*

James: Want me to take some of those?

*You nodded, and hand him some folders and papers.*

You: Thanks. This must be an important meeting, with so many papers.

James: Yeah, they are holding GamesCon in Japan this year, Machinema wants us to go over and get some footage. 

You: I'm guessing I'll be coming too?

James: Yeah, your the assistant anyway. We wouldn't of hired you if we knew we could do this on our own. GamesCon gets bigger every year... well, almost. But, Japan, it's going to huge, since it is the capital of the gaming industry.

*James begins to make his way to the conference room, and then you begin to follow him inside.*

Dan: Ah, thank you _______, for getting these for us. And oh, let me introduce you to Dexter Manning and Kevin, the two newest Creatures. We won't announce this till RTX next month, but, we'd figured we'll introduce you. 

*Dexter was a tall gentleman, with... very large and ye attractive hair. As for Kevin, he was slightly shorter than Dex, but with more laid down, slick hair. You nodded to them, then everyone begins to sit down, your didn't know where to sit at, you bearly knew any of them besides Aleks, but you feel kind of akward to just, sit next to him.*

Dex: ______________, you can sit here if you like? I won't kill you or anything.

James: Don't trust him.

Dex: Oh, bugger off.

*James lets out a light laugh towards Dex but you took his offer by sitting next to him.*

*Jordan stands up, walks over to the white board on the other end of the conference room.*

Jordan: Alright, we should be discussing the game plan once we land in Japan. Sure, we'll get footage for Machinema, but we should also get some for the Hub. Now, ________, this is where we'll be needing you to help us out. There is only nine of us, five of us will be at GamesCon the first day, four of others, will be doing things for the Hub, normally more of the people, more the entertainment. When there is only one or two of us out there filming for the hub, it doesn't really grab out audiance's attention, they'll just exit the video during the middle of the content. Now, the first five creatures....

James: Wait, I got a text from Sp00n, he's not going to make it to GamesCon with us..

Jordan: We seriously need to talk to him about not contributing in the Hub...

*Jordan sighs, then shakes his head.*

Jordan: Well, now eight of us...

Aleks: I got a text from Ze, he's not making it either.

Jordan: Alright... seven of us. We need to talk to Ze too. Anyways, so, four of us will go to GamesCon the first day opening, and three of the other will go out. But, _________ you will be going out with the others on the first day, you'll be apart of that group since it'll be an even number. 

You: Fair enough.

*You guys begin to talk about the destinations you'll be going, and Kevin thought it would be a good idea for everyone to try sushi while there in Japan, and be a good idea to film... Hmm, you didn't mind sushi. They were talking about visiting old villages and go to zoos. You didn't mind seeing historical parts of Japan while your there, it's a beautiful place.*

*The meeting lasted for about an hour, after the meeting, everyone went back to working. You decided to go to your office. You get a Skype call from your... mom. Why is she calling you at work?!*

You: Hey, mom.

Mom: They let you Skype call at work? What kind of business is this?

You: Mom..

Mom: Taylor called me about this job your working with... YouTube? That's not a real job! Quit the job, or we'll have to take this into our hands. 

You: For once, can you guys just lay off my ass... I mean..

Mom: What kind of people are you around?! And don't use that language around me!  

You: Why are you being like this?!

Mom: Why are you throwing your college education out the window?!

*James and Aleks begins to hear the argument outside the office door. Jordan hears it too, they all looked at each other, then decided to go into the office and cool down the situation.*

Jordan: Ma'ma? This is her boss, Mr. Matthewson, is there a problem here?

Mom: Oh your her boss? How old are you?! 20? 21? I demand you to fire my daughter, cause' I refuse to let her work with CHILDREN! I seen your so called "content", and I refuse to let my CHILD work with such "knuckle draggers".

James: According to your face that's not the only thing that's dragging, you bitch! How old are you? 60? 70?

Mom: I'm 40, you bastard!

Aleks: Oh dude, your mom has some spice I like it. Hey, baby, give me a call sometime.

Jordan: I apologize...

Mom: When I get there, we are taking you back to VIRGINIA! And you can say good bye to Game Design and your new friends! You WILL transfer to Tech, and get your law degree, like we wanted you too!

You: I'm 19! When are you guys going to learn that I need to be on my own!

Mom: WE are YOUR parents, and you will do as we say.

James: Yeah yeah, shove a boot in it. 

*James hangs up on the Skype call, then shuts down the computer.*

Jordan: James! We could of talked her into ______ staying!

James: There is no talking to, to that bitch! Listen, we are not going to let them take this job away from you... if you want to stay with us.

*You look up at the three guys, and nodded your head.*

You: Of course I do...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2014 ⏰

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