Chapter Four

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FIANLLY I have time to actually upload this!

Zoro groaned to his phone vibrating he turned it to snooze and noticed he had half an hour before he had to get to Sanji's. Maybe he had some new information. But he doubted it. It's only been sevenish hours.

But then again. Sanji wakes up before the sun does. So maybe.

He grumbled getting up and changed into a t shirt and jeans before heading out of the apartment. And to his car outside. Zoro then proceeded to take ten minutes longer to get to Sanji's place.

Since he got lost. Even though he's been there before.

Sanji leaned against the doorway. His lips pressed in a line and crossed his arms. Zoro frowned standing before him.

"Your late." Sanji grunted.

"Shut up." Zoro grunted.

Sanji stepped aside letting Zoro into his house. Sanji took Zoro into the bathroom and sat him down in a chair. Sanji pulled out a leather bag and set it on the counter before pulling out some scissors and some clips. He hummed grabbing the spray bottle and a towel. Wrapping the towel around Zoro's neck Sanji sprayed his hair before combing it out.

"Why did you stop cutting people's hair again?" Zoro asked.

"Eh, once a new hairstyle came out. Everyone wanted it. It soon began to get boring. Then Ivan's store was foreclosed. I was lucky to work for my pops again but. I kinda miss working under Ivan." Sanji said.

"Ah, well. Have you kept in touch with him?"

"I will later today. I'm going to be dying his hair later on today. So I'll find out more about your Mr. Prince. I know what you were wondering. But I didn't know you had a thing for blondes. Is it cause you hang out with me all the time?"

"Shut up."

Sanji chuckled cutting an inch off his head before towel drying his hair and combing through it. Once Sanji finished he washed Zoro's head in the sink.

"I know you wash yourself very rarely so. I better wash it for you." Sanji grunted, "Besides if you ever met Mr. Prince one day he'll probably like you clean."

"How about you shut your hole." Zoro hissed.

Sanji sat him up and towel dried his hair and blow dried it before slicking it back. Then thumped Zoro on the forehead before going to wash his scissors.

Sanji heard the doorbell before the door opened and shut. He sighed as they left the bathroom to Ivan shrugging off his red coat and hung it up.

"Sanji! Darling!" Ivan grinned approaching Sanji and cupping his cheeks. Then kissed his forehead before pulling back and turning to Zoro.

"It's good to see you again Zoro. how are things?" Ivan gripped his jaw and looked to his hair. He grinned turning to Sanji.

"Darling such great work. I miss you cutting people's hair." Ivan pouted.

"I cut Zoro's so. Does that count for anything?"

Zoro cleared his throat earning Sanji's attention. He lit up slightly.

"Oh, Ivan. Your website 'The Candy Store.' There's a member called Mr. Prince. Do you know anything about him?" Sanji asked.

Ivan squinted at him before glancing to Zoro. Then back to Sanji. He then grinned clamping his hands together.

"Oh, of course. I'll have to get back to you on that but. I'll give you some information on him." Ivan said.

"Really? That's great! Keep me in touch!" Zoro grinned.

Then headed out as Ivan and Sanji's smile faded. Ivan looked to Sanji placing a hand on his shoulder. Sanji turned to him with a slight frown.

"He has no Idea." Sanji sighed.

Zoro sat on his laptop. Looking at Mr. Prince's page. Seeing that he was going to be on again next Friday. Then. there was a small box on the bottom of the screen. A request box.
Curious Zoro clicked on the box which opened up a new tab for him to subscribe to 'The Candy Store'.

He had to see him again. He had to.
So. Zoro did. He subscribed to 'The Candy Store.' and subscribed to Mr. Prince's account. His new name was Mr. Bushido. But he was drawing a blank to what he could have Mr. Prince do for him.

There was so many possibilities. So many lewd ideas. Thoughts. Fantasies. Wildest dreams. But he had to narrow it down to one?

Zoro sat back watching the line tick back in forth while he was in thought. Sighing he shut his laptop and leaned against the couch. He was deep in thought thinking over of what he could request. Before he tired himself out and fell asleep.

Once he woke up he grumbled sitting up as his stomach grumbled. Yawning he got up and headed into the kitchen. His eyes narrowed to his uniform hanging up in his room. He lit up grabbing a frozen meal and tossed it into the microwave. Zoro went to the living room and opened his laptop. He typed up his request and sat back.

His cursor hovering over the submit button. Zoro sat contemplating if this is what he really wanted. Taking a breath. He clicked submit and it was submitted with a soft giggle and a okama blowing him a kiss.

Mr. Prince perked up from pulling out his extensions. He turned to his computer and sat before the screen. He noticed the new submission for his Friday's. Opening the new message his glossed lips curled into a grin seeing his new request.

"Oh Zoro, your not even hiding it." Mr. Prince clicked his tongue.

His eyes narrowed to his request and he grinned biting his bottom lip. A soft chuckle escaped his lips while he got up and went to his closet.

"I knew you had a thing for a man in uniform." He purred.

He began to piece together a police uniform. Pencil skirt and button up.

"Looks like I'll have to go shopping but your request won't be taken lightly." he hummed.

Ivan poked his head into the room and grinned. He shut the door and hummed while Mr. Prince frowned shutting his closet.

"Mr. Bushido is a new subscriber of yours." He winked.

"He made a request, I need a cop accessories. Can you do that for me Ivan?"

"As you wish, my darling Mr. Prince." he winked.

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