Chapter Six

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Sanji stepped inside Zoro's apartment, where he wasn't sitting in his usual spot on the couch. He blinked setting down the leftovers from tonight and stepped into the living room. He stopped and noticed Zoro tossing clothes out of his closet. Sanji rumbled going to lean against the doorframe. His eyes kept to the small pile of clothes on the floor.

"Zoro, what are you doing?" Sanji asked cocking a brow.

He sat back on his knees and sighed. Zoro turned to Sanji pressing his lips in a line and gave a ticked off grunt.

"I don't know what to wear." Zoro grunted.

"Would you like me to pick something for you?" Sanji purred.

"Would you?"


Sanji's eyes turned to his dresser as he pushed away from the doorframe. He pursued a specific outfit. Zoro frowned as Sanji pulled out a floral green shirt and black jeans.

"I don't want to wear that." Zoro grunted.

"If you want to impress him don't you?" Sanji asked.

Zoro grunted taking the outfit and took it to the bathroom and tried it on. Sanji sat on the bed with a pleased smile. After a minute Zoro stepped out rolling the sleeves up to his elbow Sanji purred resting on his palm.

"It seems you have grown a few sizes since you wore that last." Sanji hummed.

"Your graduation was a few years ago." Zoro hummed.

"You remember that?" Sanji cocked a brow.

"I sat in that stadium for three hours. Your dad and I just about had it."

"Well dinner is on the counter, have fun tomorrow night. I'll prepare a little snack for you guys to eat. So you don't eat each other." Sanji winked.

"Shut up."

As the following night approached Zoro dressed himself in that outfit. Spraying a bit of cologne, and got into his nice shoes before heading out. Zoro picked up some flowers on the way and headed inside the baratie. Zeff perked up from the host desk.

"Oh your here to see the brat." Zeff grunted.

"I'm here to see Mr. Prince." Zoro spoke.

"Same difference."

Zeff lead him to a door in the back room and shut it before heading into the manager's office. Two bodyguards sat in chairs as Mr. Prince sat applying his lipstick.

"He doesn't know does he?" Zeff asked.

He glanced to Zeff and capped his lipstick.

"Zoro has always been this dense. We'll see how long it takes for him to realize." he spoke, "Besides it's close to what I want."

"He's interested in Mr. Prince not Sanji."

Mr. Prince gave a slight frown before putting on his lace mask.

"Yeah I know."

Zoro perked up as the door opened as Mr. Prince stepped through. His body gaurds stood outside as Mr. Prince shut the door. Zoro stood holding the flowers as the blonde smiled.

"Hello Mr. Bushido." He purred.

"Mr. Prince, It's really nice to meet you."

His eye wandered this body. Watching his body fit in his black sequin dress. It hung very, very low on his chest, while it wrapped around his neck with a thin silver chain. Mr. Prince stood before him with a smug smile held on his face. He kept that smile as Zoro's eye ogled his body.

"My eyes are up here Mr. Bushido." Mr. Prince purred.

Zoro flinched making eye contact with Mr. Prince. He held out the flowers to him.

"I got these for you. I didn't know what your favorite flowers were so I kinda picked my best friend's flowers."

Mr. Prince smiled softly to the bundle of flowers. Those were his favorite flowers, how did Zoro remember that.

"What a great friend you are remembering your friends favorite flowers." He spoke.

He went to sit on the couch and set the flowers on the coffee table. He patted the spot next to him having Zoro go and sit beside him. Mr. Prince climbs up on his lap earning Zoro to stiffen and clutch onto the couch.

"You can touch me if you want." he purred.

He hesitated before hooking his hands behind Mr. Prince's legs. He smirked leaning closer into Zoro's lips.

"So your a legs and ass kinda man are you?" he purred.


"Kiss me and show me what kind of man you really are." he whispered.

Zoro leaned in and kissed him softly. Mr. Prince smiled softly kissing back melting into the kiss. His eyes snapped open as Zoro pinned him down onto the couch. One hand kept his hands above his head and another trailing down his leg.

"If you thought I was going to be soft and sweet you were wrong."

He gasped as Zoro kissed and bit his neck. While a hand slipped up his dress to palm his cock. Mr. Prince's moans filled the room before Zoro shut him up with a rough and sharp kiss. He pulled back leaning against the couch. Mr. Prince lied panting softly before speaking up suddenly.

"Please be a special guest on my show." he said.


"I swear I'll keep your identity hidden and I'd finally grant a few requests. Besides you'd get to fuck me so you won't have to use your hand."

His hand ran down to his crotch and palmed him softly. Mr. Prince gave a shit eating grin.

"Oh hard already? Are you thinking about my request?" He purred.

"Shut up." Zoro grunted.

"That doesn't answer my question." Mr. Prince hopped into his lap and rolled his hips earning a low groan from Zoro. He cupped Zoro's cheek and kissed him, before pulling back with his bottom lip stuck between his teeth.

"At least think about it." he purred.

Mr. Prince pulled back and took his flowers, Zoro frowned as he began to walk away.

"Oi- I."

"You have my number, call me if you need a naughty phone call. Or. something else."

Then stepped out of the room. Zoro sighed resting back against the couch.

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