Chapter Eight

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Zoro shifted in his boxers with a cool rag sitting on his crotch. The door opened as Sanji gave a discomforted groan shutting the door with his back. He stepped lightly into the living room before sitting next to Zoro. Zoro cocked a brow to him as Sanji changed from sitting on the couch to lying on the floor.

"What happened to you?" Zoro questioned.

"My limit split me in two." Sanji muffled into the floor, "How was your show?"

"I can hardly touch myself." Zoro huffed.

Sanji chuckled into the carpet before rolling onto his side and wincing slightly. He held a cheesy grin resting on his palm earning Zoro's attention.

"So, have you thought about his offer?"

Zoro looked to his phone then back to Sanji and sighed.

"I might. I need more advice. I'm going to be meeting with Usopp tomorrow."

"Usopp! Why can't you talk to me about it?" Sanji huffed.

"Why do you care?"

Sanji was going to respond but stopped and rolled onto his stomach.

"I just want you happy, that's all." Sanji huffed.

"Oh and when did you start caring for my happiness?" Zoro purred.

Sanji smiled folding his arms and resting his cheek on his arm. Shrugging he drew a small heart onto the carpet.

"So who was the lucky man that pegged your stuck up ass?" Zoro grunted.

"Oh and why do you care?" Sanji purred over his shoulder, "Are you jealous?"

"No, don't get stupid ideas. I'm just curious who would want to date you. Or want to tap your pain in the ass anyway."

"Well he is more of a man then you'd ever be." Sanji purred.

"Then bring him over and I'll show him who the true man is." Zoro hissed.

"He wouldn't want to waste his time on a weakling like yourself."


"I mean your raw and chafed cock says otherwise after only three, maybe four rounds."

"Fuck you! Why do you know that?"

"I'm only assuming. And if your hungry I left it in the kitchen."

Sanji stumbled up and rubbed his rear before heading into Zoro's room and fell asleep. Zoro grumbled getting up and hissed walking into the kitchen.

As the following morning was on the rise Zoro woke up to Sanji lying on his side facing him. Shirt slightly unbuttoned, and a bit of drool on his face. Zoro turned to the time seeing he was supposed to be meeting Usopp soon. Then remembered being chafed when he sat up. Sanji awoke to him grunting and taking a minute before getting up.

"Where are you off to now? Don't get lost." Sanji chuckled.

"I'm meeting Usopp soon. You can sleep more. I wish I could." Zoro hissed.

Sanji hummed crawling back into bed and curling close to his pillow. As Zoro got ready to meet Usopp. Who picked him up and they headed over to a small cafe conventenly next to the Baratie. Nami and Vivi's cafe. They gave discounts to their friends. Well. Vivi did, and Nami would be upset about it once she found out. But. Vivi always made up for it.

"So, what's going on?" Usopp asked.

"There's this guy who's into this... other guy. And he really like him but he works for a porn website. He invited... this guy.... To be apart of it but. He's not really sure what he should do."

"Oh, and you came for me for advice?"
Zoro nodded.

"Zoro I know your talking about yourself. So. how did this all happen."

He went on to explain to Usopp how he stumbled onto the website. Then how Ivan was able to hook them up and Sanji had them meet at the Baratie. Where they got a little handsy with each other and Mr. Prince asked him to join the show with him.

"Oh, so you don't know."

"Don't know what?"

"Here's your coffee and tea boys. Zoro how is Sanji?" Vivi asked.

"He's good he's just resting. Last night he took it pretty rough so he's sleeping in today." Zoro explained, "Other than that, he probably would of loved to be here."

"Aww poor thing, well. Remind me before you leave that I have something hopefully to help with the soreness. And a treat for him."


Vivi stepped away as Usopp squinted at him over his cup of tea. Zoro cocked a brow as he sipped on his coffee slowly.


"So.... Do you know?" Usopp asked.

"Do I know what?" Zoro grunted.

"Do you know who Mr. Prince is?"

Zoro's face hardened, slamming his hands on the table and leaning over.

"Do you?" Zoro asked.

Usopp cupped his mug tighter avoiding Zoro's gaze. He couldn't give that information to him. He couldn't tell him who Mr. Prince was. He couldn't do that to Sanji. Let alone said man is inside his apartment.


"I'll give you free parking passes to your school. For a whole year."

Usopp looked to his cup, was Sanji's identity that important. Zoro was going to find out anyway. So what was the big deal. It's time for Mr. Prince's identity to finally be revealed.

"Mr. Prince, made his account hoping one day you would stumble across him and maybe fall in love with him like he did with you. Mr. Prince is a very dear and close friend to us all and we had to keep this from you."

"Usopp, who are you talking about?"

"Mr. Prince.... Is the man you woke up to this morning, the man who's visited you every friday after his show. Mr. Prince is... Sanji."

Zoro's eye widened as he grabbed his coat and bolted for the door. Usopp called out to him, but Zoro was gone. Knowing he was going to be gone for a while.

Since he probably got lost... on his way home..... to his own apartment.

Sanji perked up from a text message on his phone. It was a text from Zoro, he hummed opening it but his smile soon faded as fear washed over his face.

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