her mom made us share a bathroom

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Namjoon POV

"Woah, you really weren't kidding when you said I'd be stuffed," I made a remark with my hand on my full stomach. 

"I really don't lie about food," she smiled while finishing up her few last spoons of rice. 

Mrs. Sim chuckled, "Your friend really feasted on my food, I knew my cooking was good, but not that good!" She said while grabbing the empty bowls that were once filled with delicious foods.

I sat up, putting my hands on the bowls, "No, no, Mrs. Sim. I'll wash them, besides, I think you deserve a break from feeding the two of us." 

"Oh, it's fine, you just sit and let your food digest properly," she smiled while trying to grab more bowls. 

"Mrs. Sim, I won't let you wash them, let me wash the bowls," I insisted. 

"Well if you insist, Namjoon," she smiled while putting the bowls back. 

I got out of my seat, and collected all of the empty bowls, mine and Hyunae's. I proceeded to bring them over to the sink. I washed them each until they no longer smelled like food. I set all of them in the opposite sink to dry. After washing I wiped the water away with a near by cloth.

Mrs. Sim walked over to me, "Thank you so much, Namjoon," she patted me on the back, "you should shower, you smell a little funky..." she turned around, now facing Hyunae, "Hyunae, show him to the bathroom." 

"Um, sure," she said getting out of her seat while wiping her hands with a paper towel. 

"Hyunae, you should also shower, you kids both smell funky," she said with a small smile. 

"But there's only on-" 

"Hurry up, you two, you aren't getting any younger, are you?" Mrs. Sim interuptted.

I smiled, "Lead the way, Hyunae."

Hyunae lead me up to her bathroom, it was clean and smelled like apples.

"Aren't you gonna shower?" I asked. 

"Oh, I can wait," she walked over to a small closet in the hallway next to the bathroom, "Here," she said while handing me a dark blue towel.


"Aren't you two gonna shower?" Mrs. Sim popped out of no where.

"There's only one sh-"

"What's taking you two forever? Hurry up and shower!" She said while closing the door shut, after she closed the door, a small blue plastic was slid under the door.

Hyunae bent down and picked it up, "Latex condom," she read off the package. 

"Wait, does she want us to..." My voice trailed off. 

She scoffed, "Apparently she likes you enough to stuff us in a bathroom together and slide a condom under the door."

There was a moment of silence.

"Well, why don't you shower, and I'll just wash my hair and face in the sink?" She suggested. 

"Uh yeah, sure," I said. 

I got into the shower fully clothed and I heard a slight laugh, "Are you gonna strip in the shower? Baby, don't be shy, I've already seen your flat-ass naked," Hyunae said. 

"Wow," was all I managed to say. 

"I know, your dick is 'wow' material," she remarked. 

It went dead silent until we both started cracking up. 

"Y'know I'm just being honest," she said while I heard the sink turn on. 

"How flattering," I said while taking off my clothing and throwing it over the shower curtain.

"That would look hot if you weren't throwing your clothes like a football," I heard her say.

I scoffed while turning on the shower and turning the water knob right down the middle, where the water was not too hot or not too cold, it was just right, it was warm. 




I had finished my shower, so I opened the curtain slightly to see if Hyunae was still in there, and to my sight, I didn't see her, so I opened the curtain all the way, and as soon as I was standing in the shower naked and able to see the door swung open and I made eye contact with a middle-aged man through the mirror

I closed the curtain quickly, "Shi-"

I heard the door slam shut and with it I heard muffled yelling, "Hyori! Why is a dude in my bathroom?" 

"That's Namjoon!" I heard Hyunae reply. 

"I didn't ask who he was; I asked why is he in my bathroom!" The man demanded.

"Byungchul! Stop yelling!" Mrs. Sim said.

"I can't stop yelling until I know who that guy in my bathroom is!" I heard him yell again. 

I stick my hand out of the shower and grab the towel and dry myself off, "I'm gonna be in a huge mess," I groan. 




Hyunae POV

I'm in the living room, which is connected to the kitchen, where my mom is sitting enjoying some of her homeade food, when I hear my dad yelling from upstairs, "Hyori! Why is a dude in my bathroom?"

I quickly respond, "That's Namjoon!"

"I didn't ask who he was; I asked why is he in my bathroom!" He demanded.

"Byungchul! Stop yelling!" My mom said.

"I can't stop yelling until I know who that guy in my bathroom is!" He yelled again. 

"He's Hyunae's friend! And he's in there because I told him to shower!" My mom responded.

"Hyunae's friend? That guy is your friend, Hyunae?" He asked irritated. 

"Yeah, that's my friend." 

"He's gonna get it!" My dad said trying to go back to the bathroom where Namjoon is. 

My mom held him back, "Leave the poor kid alone, Hyunae finally found a kid that's a potential husband," I heard my mom whisper. 

"Husband? That kid looks like a egg with legs!" My dad insulted. 

My mom smacked his arm, "Hey! Leave the poor kid, my parents let me marry you and you look like a walking donut!" My mom exclaimed. 

I chuckled. 

"You haven't even met the kid yet, just give him a chance. Besides, he seems nice," my mom said while sitting my dad down on a kitchen chair. 




a/n:  okay, so i know you're probably wondering, "why does hyunae have the same last name as her mom?" well, her mom and dad actually have the same last name, and no, they aren't related. 

also, how'd you like this chapter? was it good? let me know what you think. 



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