send nudes

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Namjoon POV

"I mean, I'm not surprised, he did find you naked in his house..." Hoseok said calmly while I heard him plop onto his bed. 

"I was taking a shower. You're supposed to be naked when you're showering," I said while taking the sheets off of my bed.

Hoseok sighed, "I mean, I don't blame him, if I had a daughter and I found some guy, some naked guy in my house, and anywhere in my house I'd react the same way," he paused, "and besides, it's not like you were actually beaten, Hyunae's mom stopped him."

I scoffed, "Well the point was that I could've been beaten to a pulp!" I exclaimed while walking over to the laundry room with my bed sheets in my arms.

"Well... At least he's cool with you, right?" Hoseok said.

"Yeah," I smiled, "With that type of dad, I would have never thought he'd accept me so fast after finding out that I have an IQ of 148," I said while 

Hoseok scoffed, "Wouldn't any dad want their daughter's friend to be hella smart?" 

I paused, "I guess, but I thought he'd hate me either way. I guess being smart is his soft side," I said while putting my bed sheets in the washer, "And, are we just friends?"

"No, we're dating," Hoseok said.

"Not you; me and Hyunae," I corrected Hoseok. 

"Psh, I know you love me, Namjoonie," He whispered creepily.

"You're weird," I said before hanging up. 




I walk over to my room and lay down on my bed. I heard two dings coming from my phone, I reach over for my phone and read who sent me messages. 




"You fuckin ass hat, I'm gonna key your car!!!!!!!"

I ignore Hoseok's vulgar message and I open Hyunae's message. 




                                                                                                              What's up?


I click on the link Hyunae sent me, it was a vine of parrot asking someone to send nudes.


                                                                                Are u asking me to send u nudes?


send nudes, i'm horny.                                                              Me

                                        ur bold      

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