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{Marina POV}

"Mmnnn...... Not now...."

The light pink alarm clock goes off, signaling my time to wake up and get ready.

I move my legs to get off of my bed. As I stand up, I almost topple over.
My feet slowly creep to my closet. I realized, that it's Saturday. No work!!

I quietly prance around my room, careful not to wake up my co-worker, Pearl.

Pearl works with me on our news broadcast, Off The Hook. We also make music together. We're best friends, though, so we live together.

I, almost silently, open my door and tip-toe to Pearl's room. There's a huge poster on the door that features a official drawing of her and her name in Kid in the corner.

I barely even touch the knob.

Unsuspectingly,I double tap the door knob to see if she's awake. She's not.
As I just lightly twist the knob, a small, hotpink object pounces on top of me, knocking me over.

"Haha! Look who's the Boomy now!" It's obviously Pearl.
"Aww, I was gonna snipe you with my ultra super-Sonic hugs!" I cry.
"I'll give you mercy this one time! No more!"
Normally, Pearl would tickle me to death, but I guess she's feeling good today.
Yay! Now I get to tickle you!

As we are laughing, I roll her over and find her tickle spot. I lightly tease the bottom of her foot with my pinky.
"N-no! No! STAHP! Have mercy!"
"You never give mercy to me!"

Full on war, now!
I grab her ankles and rub my thin fingers right on the arch of her tiny feet.
Pearl screams in agony, as if mayonnaise went extinct. Her face turns bright red as I keep on tickling her feet. She even starts tearing up.
"I'll stop if you admit that I'm the best girl!" I tease.
"No, never!"
"Come on, cry Veemo!"
"Okay, okay, VEEEEEEEEEMOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" she obliges.
"Yay! Come on, ya big barnacle. Let's go make some breakfast!"
"Fine. I still don't like you."

[Splatoon 2] *PANCAKES AND WAFFLES*  Pearl x MarinaWhere stories live. Discover now