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[{(Pearl POV)}]
"Haha! Time to put mayo on it!" "Nooooo! Don't ruin my pancake~" I grab the jar of Mayonnaise out of the fridge, pick up a spoon, open the jar, and pour it on the pancake. "Wh- What? How dare you Rin my beautiful blob pancake I made you?" (ⓐ/ⓝ ⓘ ⓙⓤⓢⓣ ⓡⓔⓐⓛⓘⓩⓔⓓ ⓘ ⓢⓟⓔⓛⓣ ⓘⓣ ⓡⓘⓝ , so im keeping it that way uwu )Marina pouts with a sad look on her face.

"Aww, I'm sorry. Too bad!" I pick up the pancake, fold it, and stuff the whole thing in my mouth. "HolY fUCk PeArl hOW-" "It just happens, man." Marina has wide eyes in shock, somewhat drooling. "Wh-"

I slowly walk back to the fridge and get some cake out of the fridge. Mar is still stand there like that. I open the lid, and stuff some into her mouth. Nothing. "Well then..." The dark-skinned Octoling is still standing there, while crumbs of chocolate cake are falling on the floor.

"What the hell...?" I am really fricking confused. I walk behind her and basically slap the back of her head. She barely moves. "I'm just gonna leave you here..." I walk down onto the couch and pass out on accident...


[{(Marina POV)}]

How the fuck did Pearl fit that whole pancake in her mouth-

That's so hot...
Why... How?
She's just-

I stand in awe as my mouth hangs open. Pearl looks at me weird, and then waves her hands in front of my face. "Yo, Mar. Yo, Mar. " She still tries to get my attention...

'm not gonna say anything. Just stare.
"Fuck, Marina. Did you just die or somethin'?"
Well, y e a h, I just did...

To be continued in part 4!!

[Splatoon 2] *PANCAKES AND WAFFLES*  Pearl x MarinaWhere stories live. Discover now