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Warning: fluff ahead!
Rina POV;

"Mhmmm..." I grunt a bit. I rub the sleep out of my eyes. I notice the pink inkling next to me and almost jump out of my skin, eyes wide in shock. "Oh my cod..." Pearlie is there, laying next to me being the big spoon. She moves a small bit.

I just stay there, not knowing what to do, or what happened. Pearl moves a bit and stretches her legs out and yawns, signalling her to open her eyes. She notices me. "wHAT THE FU-" "Language, child." "How the hell-"

She jumps out of the bed, running as if she was a c- and she saw an X rank about to Splat her. "AAAH! HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT HOW THE FUCK- Owwwwwwww!" I hear a thud. Pearl fell down the stairs, bump after bump after bump after bump. I naruto-run out of the bed, into the hallway, and down the stairs to see the small gremlin crying at the bottom.

"Waaaah~!" There are transparent pink tears falling down her cheeks. "Holy- Pearlie!" I jump on her her, her and wiping tears as she buries her face into my shoulder. "Waaaah~! It hurts so bad~!" "Shhh, it's okay, it's okay." She sobs into my shoulder, genuine tears. The small inkling sniffs and looks at me with a sad face. "It hurts on my heck and back..." "I would imagine so, Pearlie." More sniffles. "A-and my cheek... W-would you k-kiss it there?" She sounds like a small child. "O-of course, Pearlie." Pearl moves her tentacles back, revealing a dark pink face. I lean a bit closer to her visage. She clamps her eyes shut and quivers her lip, like a baby about to whine.

My lips meet her soft face, and she opens her eyes to look at me. I wish it could have lasted longer... I pull away, blushing a harsh teal. She's the same, except that her blush is hot pink. "R-Rina...?" "Yes, Pearlie?"
"I-I... I-"

To be continued in chapter 5!

[Splatoon 2] *PANCAKES AND WAFFLES*  Pearl x MarinaWhere stories live. Discover now