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Marina is still kissing me while the movie plays in the background. I don't want her to separate from me, but it's inevitable as her phone rings loudly playing the ringtone that she made. It was a reprise  of our first song, Ebb and Flow.

"I-I'm sorry Pearlie, I have to get that." She abandons me to answer the beckoning of the device. "Awwww...."


"Marina here." That's how I always answer to any call except Pearl's. The incoming call is from a random number I don't know. They don't reply. "Hello?" Now there's a gasp from the other end. "It's really her! It's Marina!"  There's a couple of more squeals until there's another understandable word.

"Hey Marina!" I'm a bit puzzled. "Who is this?" She replies. "We're some of your fans of your music!" Another voice says something. "Yeah, yeah!" I'm always happy to hear from people that admire me and Pearlie's music. "That's totally awesome! But I'm kinda busy..." Coming up with an excuse to hang up on these girls is hard. I don't wanna hurt their feelings. "Uh, I'm busy making some more music with Pearl!"

A few more fangirl sounds emerge. "Hooray! A new song! Well, we don't wanna bother you anymore!" The other girl speaks again. "Don't get cooked..." Now they both join together to finish our catch phrase. "Stay Off the Hook! Bye Marina!!" Their end hangs up.

"Wow..." I set my phone down on the table again. "They were really happy!" Pearlie grumbles a bit. "That's chill, I guess..." She presses the button on the remote to pause the movie. "Hey Rina! Let's go do something fun~" Pearl gets some bedroom eyes. "But we just did it last night..." "I don't care! I love you so so so so so so so much♪" She tackles me over on the couch and throws kisses all over my face and neck.

"But it's pretty early... We should go do something out before we do something..." I run my finger down her large forehead and end at the bridge of her nose. "Fineeeee, Rina." She looks behind her to see the clock. We were about an hour into the movie, so it's 2 o'clock. "Let's go to Crusty Sean's and get some grub!" "Alright."

We leave our apartment which isn't too far from the square. Pearlie holds my hand tightly. "Precious Pearlie, do you want everyone to know about our relationship?"


"Precious Pearlie, do you want everyone to know about our relationship?" Marina looses her grip on my hand. "Hmm... Why not?" Her face turns a bit teal with a worried expression. "Wouldn't it ruin our career? Our clout?" "I don't see how-"  She interrupts me. "The studio asked me my sexuality and I refused to answer, and everyone in Inkopolis believes I'm straight..."

I finally let go of her hand. "Aight... But that doesn't matter. I still wanna love you no matter what other peeps think." Marina nods lightly. "Okay... But we won't announce it during the broadcast, okay? We'll let them figure it out."

We don't speak another word until we come in front of the Crust Bucket. Pearlie knows exactly what I want, so she orders for us.  "That will be 150 coins, mate." "Aight, here ya go." She hands him 200. "Keep the change for yourself, man." "Thanks!" Crusty Sean tosses our food at us and bids us adieu.

"Let's sit out here today," Marina recommends this. "Aight." She pulls out a chair for me and I sit down in it. "Thanks Rina." The Octoling nods in agreement. Now she's sitting down and we're dining on our fast food. We don't speak much. I finish up way faster than she does. "Rina! I'm still hungry..."

"Well, I'll make you some cake-" "With Mayo?" She sighs and shakes her head. "With mayo and a fork." I interrupt her again. "No! This time with a spoon, for you Marina!" Her face gets teal again. "S-Stop it..."

Marina throws away our trash and we start walking back to our apartment before the paparazzi gets to us.

"Phew..." Marina fumbles a key and throws it into the lock. She then turns it to let us enter our house. "Yaay! We're home!" I run in with my crown practically falling off of my head and flip on the couch. "You're hard to manage, Pearlie."

"Can I have some vanilla cake dyed teal, like you Rina?" Haha, it's fun messing with her like this. "I g-guess..." Sweet! Some Rina colored cake is lit!


I start pulling out a box of cake mix for my Pearl. We do have some teal dye, otherwise we wouldn't have had the waffles earlier. "Pearlie! What shape do you want it?" I finished making the batter.

"Heart, please!" Hmm, that's weird of her to ask for something like that, but alright. I get the pan and slowly pour it into the vessle for it.

I toss it into the oven and sit down next to Pearlie. "Rina! Let's post a picture of us on your Squidstagram!" (A/N: my Squidstagram is marinaded.boi!) "Okay." My phone is now in my grabs and I open the app Pearlie wants. I post about once a week, so this will be the second.

"Alrighty! Get in a cute pose Pearlie!" I hold my phone in front of us to take a selfie. She does a double peace sign pose, but I hope it's not what I think it is coming next. Oh god please no. Please no no no no nonononono-

She doesn't do what I think she will, but she smiles brightly while I do a similar pose and take the picture. "Pearl! We look so cute!" She takes a look at the final image. "Yeah! Go ahead and post it without a caption." I do what she says and now it's up on our page.

"Yay!" I place my phone on the table and give Pearlie a hug. "Ugh, stahp it Maaar..." We do this for another 2 minutes and then my phone makes another sound signalling that the cake is done.

"Okay Pearlie." I release my grip on her and jump up from the couch to get the cake.

The sweet is now on the countertop. It cools pretty fast so I figure me and Pearlie can cuddle some more. I jump on top of her unsuspecting body from behind the couch.

"Augh!" She makes a random sound while I attack her with kisses and such. I stop for a second to say something.

"I love you, my Pearl."

[Splatoon 2] *PANCAKES AND WAFFLES*  Pearl x MarinaWhere stories live. Discover now