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[image credit to Whichdoll on Twitter!]

[image credit to Whichdoll on Twitter!]

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I wake up on Rina's chest, soft and warm, to daylight outside. It's Sunday, so still no work. "Heyyy Rina. Iida, come on...." My fingers poke at her lightly teal tinted cheeks. "What, Hime... It's too early, 5 more minutes..."

A pout face emerges from me and I poke her more aggressively. "Riiiiiiiiinaaaaaaaaaaa!" "Fine, what the shell do you want?" Yay! Finally. "Food. I'm hungry."

We have clothes on now, and Mar is looking in the fridge. "... Let's have waffles." Well, she did make me pancakes yesterday, so I don't say anything defiant. "Aight."


Pearlie practically begs me for food, so I fulfill her request and pop out the waffle maker that has heart shapes. Why does everything we eat have to have hearts? I shrug off the thought. "Hey Pearlie? What color do you want the waffles to be?" "Black, like my soul." I scoff a bit. "Haha, very funny Pearl. Now seriously, what color?"

She thinks for a moment. "Teal! Like your ink, Rina!" I stop filling the mixing bowl with waffle mix and start to blush a bit. "U-Uh, okay..."

About 15 minutes later, there are 8 waffles, 4 on each plate for me and Pearl to inhale. "Yo, Pearlie! Food's ready." She practically dashes to the kitchen and takes in the scent of the waffles. "Mmm! These would go good with some frosting!" "...But don't you usually use syru-" "Nah, frosting would go good because it's sweet like you, Iida!" I almost fumble and drop my plate. "S-Stop it, Pearl... You're making me flustered..."

"Why? I'm just trying to make you feel good because you're my girlfriend..." "Wait, wha-" I remember now... Last night...

Last night we had sex.

"Oh yeah..." It goes quiet for a second. "I guess that's what girlfriends are supposed to do." I scratch the back of my head in nervousness. "Yeah, Rina." Pearl snatches the fridge door open and pulls out some pink frosting in a large container.

"Yo Mar, this frosting is pink, and pink is my color. Teal is yours..." "Yeah, I guess that's right!" I smile as I also pick up the bottle of maple syrup and close the fridge. Pearlie begins to speak. "It's Off the Hook coming at you live from Inkopolis Square with an important announcement."

"Oh cod , another one of her jokes, " I think inside of my head. "Today, me and Rina here are eating some waffles she made! I guess this is my punishment for loosing..."  "Haha! That's right, my precious Pearlie!"

We end up at the small table with Pearl globbing on insane amounts of frosting onto the small stack. "Dang, Pearlie! You're definitely giving that boke the tsukkomi treatment, eh?" (A/N: Boke vs. Tsukkomi was a Japanese splatfest. Read more about it on the wiki!) "Ugh, Rina...." Me, being a normal octopus, puts a 15:50 ratio of syrup on to my waffles.

Pearlie, as I said, inhales the food. It took me a good 5 minutes more to eat all of mine than it took to eat hers. "You need to slow down or you're gonna get fat, Pearl~" "Whatever... That just means the more you get to squish!" "No, that's weird!"

I take our plates to the sink and rinse them off.  The time is now 11 o'clock, and it's usually the time when me and my precious Pearlie do something together. "Heyyy Iida! Let's go cuddle and watch a movie!" "Alright."

Pearlie picks a movie from Splatflix, and plops next to me underneath a blanket on the couch. She picks
Squid Box, Which I've seen before. Pearl scoots even closer to me, and we're not even 15 minutes in. She wraps her hands around my arm. "H-Hey Rina?" "What's up?" "...Is it bad if I ask for a quick kiss?" Silence emerges from everyone besides the TV. "N-No..." My face gets teal again. "Do you want one r-right now?" "Yep." "Alright..."

I lean down and take a good look at Pearlie's face as she looks eager to just smash her lips into mine. She sits up a bit to reach me better. I finally kiss her, and she doesn't want to let go. 

Niether do I.

(Heyo! It's Alianca. Thanks for almost 3k reads! This honestly makes my day better ♥️
To say thanks, here's a few of my favorite Off the Hook artworks.)

credit: susa natsuo

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credit: susa natsuo

credit: kashu (hizake)

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credit: kashu (hizake)

credit: kashu (hizake)

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credit: yeneny

credit: suikka

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credit: suikka

Thanks again(≧∇≦)b🌸♥️

[Splatoon 2] *PANCAKES AND WAFFLES*  Pearl x MarinaWhere stories live. Discover now